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RE: My Love Of Solo Travel - (LOH #89)

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

The journey you took to leave your hometown at such a young age is such an amazing one. I never left my hometown until I enrolled into the University in another city just about 45km away.

Travel is actually quite a liberating experience. It allows us to connect with different people and cultures, and to learn more about ourselves.

The more we go out into the world and see things for ourselves, the more open our minds are and the more accepting we are of one another. ❤️

I can't agree with you anymore. If we only rely on what we see in the media or what people tell us, then we may not be getting a true picture of the world. Instead, it is important to experience life for ourselves and become knowledgeable about different cultures and religions.

Thanks for taking the time joining us contest and wish you a wonderful Sunday !LADY


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Yes it's so important to go out there and see things for ourselves and have our own experiences xxxx
Thank you @trangbaby xxx