My Love Of Solo Travel - (LOH #89)

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)

When I was a child, I dreamt of travelling the world. My bedroom wall, was full of pictures of all the places that I wanted to visit. Places that I had read about in books, books that I had borrowed from my local library. Countries that I had learnt about in documentaries, where they had showcased the landscape and the wildlife and explored the different cultures, of the people living there.


I was fascinated by these amazing places and on top of that, I really longed, to step out on my own and leave my family home. I was also very determined, to prove that I could look after myself, that I didn't need anyone. So the thought of travelling alone, was actually quite appealing to me.

And also a little bit daunting as well. I was caught between wanting to go it alone, but also stuck with the fact that I was quite shy and pretty low in self esteem. Throw in my stubbornness and self determination and I ended up leaving home, leaving Ireland just before I turned 19, to travel to London. Where I began my studies.

Which was my first taste, of travelling solo to a new Country. I was completely overwhelmed by the whole experience. London, is certainly a far cry from the Irish countryside. But through it all,I had proven that I could do it and so once I had finished my studies, I started travelling every year to different countries.


Sometimes with friends and sometimes by myself. It's easy to get distracted when you are travelling with others and it can prevent you from reaching out and interacting with other people, who you encounter along the way.

When I have been travelling solo, I ended up meeting a lot more local people. I found that people are pretty curious to find a woman travelling alone and are much more likely to approach you. (The same can be said when you travel with children) I have been invited to visit family homes and also been treated to free meals as well.

Of course you have to be cautious, when travelling alone. It's really good to be informed and to know which areas are safe to visit. When I have been travelling alone, I always tried to talk with someone who had been to that country before or read different travel guides, the lonely planet being one.


I love to travel, it has taught me so much about the world and about myself. It's easy to feel disconnected from others, when you live such different lives to them. But when you have the opportunity to walk in their shoes, to sit with them and hear their stories, you realise how, fundamentally alike we all are.

Yes, crazy shit can happen in the world, but that goes for anywhere in the world. We can't worry about what could be, because if we do, we miss out on what can be. The more we go out into the world and see things for ourselves, the more open our minds are and the more accepting we are of one another.

This is my response to the latest Ladies Of Hive Community Contest.

The number of women travelling solo has been on the rise. How do you feel about travelling as a single woman? What are the advantages and challenges?


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Thanks so much xxx

I've never been one to travel much of anywhere. Life just seems to happen and we never went. I tend to travel through others. Sounds like quite the adventure you've had. May you have many more travels! Take care!

Thank you @elizabethbit, yes I see more travel ahead for sure xxxx

The journey you took to leave your hometown at such a young age is such an amazing one. I never left my hometown until I enrolled into the University in another city just about 45km away.

Travel is actually quite a liberating experience. It allows us to connect with different people and cultures, and to learn more about ourselves.

The more we go out into the world and see things for ourselves, the more open our minds are and the more accepting we are of one another. ❤️

I can't agree with you anymore. If we only rely on what we see in the media or what people tell us, then we may not be getting a true picture of the world. Instead, it is important to experience life for ourselves and become knowledgeable about different cultures and religions.

Thanks for taking the time joining us contest and wish you a wonderful Sunday !LADY

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Yes it's so important to go out there and see things for ourselves and have our own experiences xxxx
Thank you @trangbaby xxx

Damn! You're so lucky to have seen this! It's always impressive when you see old structures like these. Takes you right back to the time it was made, right? Hope all is well :)

Hey Ruben, that photo is from Palenque in Mexico, wow it was a dream come true for me to visit those Mayan ruins, they blew my mind.
I am keeping well, hope you are too my friend xxx