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Hello my friends!

This is my first time on Snaps.

I can see that this is going to be a lot of fun.


Snaps is the best in terms of rewards. Plus, it does not censor replies from other front-ends.

I had no idea this existed.

Even though I'm late, but at least I arrived hahaha...

Thanks for letting me know. It's nice to know that there is no censorship by other front-ends.

Oh, there is censorship by one other front end. Inleo censors thread replies if they were not posted from Inleo. Shabby, huh?

It's a shame, this would help us a lot in interaction.

So you don't care about the principle? You care about the lost interactions? Weird...

Maybe I wasn't clear. Sorry, English is not my native language and perhaps the translator was not clear.

I do value interaction and engagement.

Hi, @godfish,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Bem vindo mano! Bora fazer uma baguncinha por aqui! :D

Vlw! Vamos sim hehehe...

Don't get addicted 🤣

Thanks for the tip LOL

I'll try not to get addicted hahaha...

Hi, @coyotelation,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

welcome to snaps!

Welcome to the madness!

The sweet madness called SNAPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Pensa numa loucura boa, haha!

kkkkkkk.... Thanks!

1000007002.jpgHaving a coffee at Dortmund Airport and about to travel to #istanbul with @louis88 . Of course I will write an article and add it to the #worodmappin Map :)

Looking forward to reading it.

Take Care. Bleujay

Coffee time is always the best time.

La comunidad de @aliento marcando la pautas con sus tutoriales fáciles. Un tips que siempre tengo presente es comentar y votar en las comunidades antes de publicar. Las publicaciones con menos de 24 horas. 😍Invito a @dorytagil2022, @angelica7 y @sacra97 #spanish

Gracias por la invitación

“Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.”

Powered Up 56.3 #hive today

Mental blocks happen with everybody at some point. However, we need to find ways to take them down.

1000039800.jpgAdivina adivinador jajaja #creativecuisine #snaps

Le pones carne y lechuga y se convierte en un arepaguesa

Tenía mortadela jajaja
El tomate con pimienta y sal
Y mayonesa casera A1
Lo demás fue comer con un fresquito que llaman chinoto 🤣

This looks tasty.

Really delicious

1000021518.jpgGrabbing a #hive Coffee on the Airport #dortmund and waiting for boarding to Istanbul. U were in Istanbul before?

what u doing there? go slap @deathwing for me


A small sponsored trip over the weekend. We gonna visit the sunken palast Basilica sistern and have a boat trip as well. Gonna be nice I guess.

I haven't been to Istambul yet, but took flight back home to Prague from Aachen from this very airport ;)

Yea, this airport here is very small one xD

Quite all right for short flights to Prague ;)

I've never been outside Brazil, but I'm sure traveling the world would be a great experience to do with family and friends.

Istanbul is a place i do want to visit one day :)
enjoy your #hive coffee :)

I've been in Istanbul about 25 times. My wife's family lives there so I know the city quite well. Plenty of things to discover.

I wish I had visited in 2022 (when I backpacked through Europe), but I couldn't find cheap plane tickets at the time. 😞

War 2 mal dort, beruflich (Konferenz), aber freiwillig? Eher nicht.

秋の夜長 駆け抜けてゆく 救急車


#hive-158302 #japanese #poem #haiku


My weight is steady like Bitcoin 😂 57.65 kg … Never give up, 55kg in the end of the year 💪



#hive-158302 #japanese #health







I listen to various things while I am working to keep myself entertained. Today I heard that aliens are here under Alaska mountains and facilities in the ocean. It crossed my mind about all the human garbage that floated down. I wonder what the alien word is for litterbugs.


Maybe they think it's gift from the Gods and they upcycle it into weird and wonderful things we haven't thought of yet. 😂

Yes, the God's are funny sometimes with their floating islands of plastic straws. 😃

I was thinking that with all their high tech stuff, they should have figured a way to incinerate it or the equivalent by now. We throw it in the ocean and magically, it's gone!

I'll have a word and forward your suggestion. 😂

Oh lovely ! I appreciate your help.

Hehe, that sounds like a fab news story. Your alien looks like a Roman gladiator!

Can you imagine their high tech facilities, now operating under a mountain of trash??

Alien cuss words, that's what I want to know more about.

Maybe the trash is their hi tech fuel! :OD

I bet it is ! So... they need to come up and get the rest of it that is floating around. I guess that means we should throw more stuff away.... You know, to help out and all that.... Yay !

Maybe that declutter guru from years back. Remember the one? People said they were gonna "insert name" their bedroom and throw out all their shit. She must have been an undercover alien! :OD

Ohhhhh.... you may have something there! It's all the Alien's fault!

PixelSwam takeover by @engrave


Say hi to this cute one.
She's waiting for the food while my father was cooking at the back.
She likes my father than me lol.

Awwww thats a cute cat :)

Sweet daily Zing drop. My staked Zing already grew to over 3k in a short period of time. 😀


#holozing #hivegaming #cent #pob

It looks like you are "zingged". 😅

Collection rewards are nice!

Congrats! to the winners of this month's new-bee support. Each account receives a 1-month, 500 HP delegation.

@misticogama nominated @gelart @gwajnberg nominated @isayrojo20 @mariiale1979 nominated @cjrcast @helicreamarket nominated @marars @cositav nominated @cristianm

Thank you so much for this opportunity. I been busy and only check this time

Enjoy! Try to stay active to benefit from the HP boost. It will expire after 1 month.

Excelente, great success

Thank you very much for this initiative and the opportunity

Thank you for the support !😊

Gracias estoy muy emocionado soy nuevo y veo que estoy haciendo bien, gracias a Dios y a ustedes por la oportunidad.

What a happiness, I'm happy to see me back on the list with my nominee, thank you @hivetrending for your contest.

Great initiative to help those who are starting this wild journey.

Felicitaciones excelentes participantes pizza

Also, this is the first Snap in C/HivePizza!

Thank you very much for such an opportunity @hivetrendingh 🙌🏽💖✨️

My avatar exhibition hall is now open to the public.

1e387924-033b-497b-83da-94ddb36121fb.png #japanese #Metaverse





go-kyoさん おはようございます







へぇ~、面白そう🎵 行ってみます 😄🙌 !wine !INDEED

ありがとうございます。THX :D

Sold some #hive at 33c yesterday, chickened back in at 26-27, picked up some more at 23. Thus more alpha vials! :D #zing

What a good idea...I always think it is going to go higher and wait and then miss out....however it looks like there will be many more opportunities to come. ^__^

I only just bought my first few today! Will stack some more :O)

I wanted to do same but didn't power down in time. 3 days too early for me 😭

I don't actively trade but I should pick up some more Hive here I feel like!

Nice move!
I really need to have some liquid Hive standby for this.

right place right time :)

Well-played ;)

(speaking about playing, I hope we'll be able to play Holozing soon 🙃)

You timed it well.

Hopefully we get a steady increase but this pump and drop is also a good opportunity to swap Hive-HBD-Hive 👍


found Pepper beside me this morning. She is so cute🥰

#cat #japanese #hive-158302 #photography



I wonder how much did HBD Stabilizer make on the recent #hive #pump. Does anyone have data for that?

Maybe @smooth or @dalz

@dalz does these reports. I make sure that the stabilizer returns all of it's funds to the DHF and trades in a way that is generally sensible (likely to break even or turn a profit over time), but I don't know how much it makes.

As acidyo...said perhaps dalz...I am certain he is working on such a post as we speak..^__^

Coincidence? I don't think so!

(it's a #joke, but the chart is real 😉)


There's something in this.

Hi, @godfish,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.


I took this photo in the Pantheon when my wife and I were on a city trip in Rome back in 2013!!!

That's a wonderful shot!

There's only one place to go, up and where there's light. What a sensational photo for reflection.

It’s in moments like these that we realize how a photographer’s eye is so unique. What an awesome photo, man!

It's just a matter of taking your time and indeed let your eyes go round.
Not taking a snapshot and rush to the following landmark.

My Crypto Merch Store officially launches tomorrow with a 15% discount Opening Sale! Applicable to all store items including this Hive Hoodie!😍 Window shoppers welcome!😉


Very cool!

This should be good news for #hive, right?

I hope so. Fingers crossed.

Hey snapsters and #holozing fans! Acid is having 3x Vial giveaway. Feel free to participate and stand a chance to win a nice Vial 🧪 Check the post below ⬇️

Will do, could do with another one :)

Cool! Best of luck 🤞

I know there are this kind of robots but I found it in a super common local cafe chain :) I will come to see it with my daughter soon.



#hive-158302 #japanese

Cool! I haven’t anything like that here in Singapore.

Really!? It’s my surprise in such a modern tech country 😮 It’s my first time to see it in Germany though.

Welcome to the future.

I saw my $LTC holdings shot up over night so I promptly sold them off this morning, sat on a decent amount of USDT right now. dumping into $HIVE the next dip I see 😂

Heard that hive may dip to 0.20 though not sure if we will actually drop to that level

I hope what you heard was correct! if so I'm going all in, my ETH is getting traded up for Hive also 😂

But LTC has been the same price for a year.


it went from $73 last night to $84 today

Good, to this day I'm resistant to making trades kkk, but I need to learn to take advantage of these opportunities to rise and fall in values.

I'm very hesitant to do these trades also as a few of them have worked out bad for me! I bought so much HIVE last bull run for 0.45 each, thousands of them and it has not seen 0.45 since 😂 but 0.20 ish range feels much much safer for profits

Anyway, you have to keep trying and one day it will work. It's by trying and doing that we gain experience for the next times!

You're doing nice moves.

Appreciate it my friend!

With HIVE going up what are you going to do with all your riches? Answer with a GIF please 👽


Technocrats believe they can solve world problems with top-down authoritarianism and central planning. Do they know better than you how you should live your life? No. History is replete with failures by such usurpers. Liberty is our progress. "Progressivism" is counterfeit order.

They are scared to let people choose how to live

Well said. Straight on point!

I wish it were easier to critique populism. Progressives have a set of ideas and principles. Bad ones, but fairly defined. Populists? Not so much.

Sampling the new Winter Menu at fine food destination Revival House Posting on #threads also helps clients like this with a little SEO boost as another popular platform with a backlink! #dogs invited!

Looks pretty chill! Nice that they allow doggies!

Is it in a (former) church?

btw I hope you mentioned Hive ;)

Dogs invited? So, it's a must place to go!

Sometimes, losing a game is just as satisfying as winning, especially if it boosts the fun for friends, making their #mood a bit better

You're more generous than I am. I hate losing. 😂

I fully agree with this.

Test snap

It worked ;)

Thanks! 👍

No issues. Welcome to snap!

The first hint of #sunset on the South Downs, #Sussex, #UK.

#photography #nature

Ah the soft skies of blighty...

One of the benefits of living here are those beautiful skies and the green, especially in Spring. It's worth the price of the rain just for that.

I had a lovely walk on the downs back in March. The green you have just can't compare.

Stunning sky.

Is it just me or does anyone else find Bull markets harder than Bear? So much FOMO I just do nothing. During the bear I DCA in nicely. 😂

Haha yep! Amd the anxiety of .. do I sell or hold?

Glad I'm not alone. I'm still very much in an accumulate and hoddle mode but when the prices go up I freak out and buy nothing. Selling is my weak point and I have yet to learn how to do it. 😁

Ha well let's be millionaires together from having diamond hands accidentally!

Sounds like a plan. 😍

Hey did you know we have a drummers community on Hive? Come and join us!

There's another for English speakers. I didn't create it, but post there. I'll check out other Hive drummers anyway. Rock on!



うける !LOL !wine

Why can't you trust an atom?
Beause they make up everything.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of mizuosemla



@go-kyo, I sent you an

Someone's ingenious road side art heading down into Tygh Valley along HWY 197 #Oregon

#art #photography #silverbloggers #travel



Such a cool place to have a shot for a movie!

Haha that's pretty cool!

Don’t fall for it – it is just a joke…

#meme #funny #parody #rfk #fauci #covid #vaccine

1000034928.jpgI'm not saying there's a historical pattern, but there's a historical pattern. #doge #meme

How you demand that from bureaucrats? lol bureaucracy by its definition is slow!

Forever waiting.

There was a hearing on UFOs/UAPs today. I don't understand why people are not more alarmed about this. Former top brass are telling us that we're not alone. In all likelihood, we're being visited by non-human intelligence. Here's a Joe Rogan interview with Luis Elizondo

I think we are not alone.

The universe is too immense for just us to exist.

I agree. The size of the universe is astonishing, and most of it is hidden from us (dark matter and dark energy). There must be someone out there. Perhaps millions or billions of years older than us.

Yep, without a doubt.

It would be pretty crazy if one day we actually have contact with these beings, but I'm referring to ourselves and not the hidden world leaders.

If I were an alien, I would wait a little while longer before making contact with humans unless it's necessary to intervene. Humans are quick on the trigger, and who knows what can happen if we make contact with a really strange and clever species.

Hi, @coyotelation,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Never seen one or have an encounter to one but I do believe that we have had a visitor that’s not from this planet.

I hope they come with good intentions. If UAP reports are true, then they possess very advanced technology.

While waiting for the shuttle bus

#splinterlands #play2earn #P2Egame #snap


TIL the reason helium balloons go flat isn't because of low-quality seals in the balloon's exterior. It is in fact inevitable, as helium atoms are so miniscule, they can pass through practically anything in the Universe.

A flat balloon is therefore inevitable.

I would love to post about my perfumes again, as a fragrance enthusiast, would like to educate all my fellas and read their opinions on everything that i have learned about fragrances.

Just guess my favorite in this photo


Photo by Lagerfeld was and is my straight away top shelf favourite. Sorely missed and it desperately needs to come back into cologne service. There's nothing like it or is even close. No shade on your selection here, and my guess is: L’eu D’issey Pour Homme by Issey Miyake.

A really good choice on a vintage fragance as Photo, Photo is the difference between a man and a 20y guys.

Issey Miyake one of the most favorite in my collection; so fresh so clean so powerfull and sublime.

Cheers, grand work introducing us all to fragrances that stand out boldly in uniqueness and signature.

A night walk 🌙

Dar aquela arejada na mente

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