What is this #justSaying all about anyway..?

in justSayinglast year (edited)

What is it all about?

We all know that life is often called a whore and many try to fuck it. But why without compensation, why not pay for it? It seems unfair, doesn't it?
There are tags like #rant, #fuckery, #sarcasm and so on and so forth. There's ranting and accusations everywhere. People are sharing their discontent about governments, multinational corporations, the pharmaceutical industry or whatever the neighbor just did again... without offering a solution at the same time. Why is that?
In management, you learn to contribute your ideas and solutions if you want to make a difference. In every area, on every topic. Isn't that an important part of communication? Brainstorming all the possibilities, even the ones you don't like, and then finding a way together so that in the end everyone involved is "happy"? In NLP, this kind of thing is called "dove-tailing", if I remember correctly....
Anyway - after years of using the #justSaying tag for "fun" in social media chats, to express a specific concern about a topic, or just to inform someone that they forgot to think before "talking".... a "brother" mentioned the other day that maybe it's time to start a community here in HIVE.

How to say it!

Just say it, politely. Since, the so civilized society is turning into a kind of "Idiocracy", we really need more people to just say it politely.
And when you do, please bring solutions. Just complaining doesn't work. The crowd of conditioned sheeple around us prove that every day.

So here goes... it's really simple:

  • All hive "rules" apply - justSaying
  • Post to this community - justSaying
  • 1% needed beneficiary to @HIVE-125020 - justSaying

If you don't know the "Hive Rules", don't worry, you just need to work on yourself to be real, authentic and honest. Everything else will take care of itself.

Posting to the community is a must in order to get an upvote from them. The more we support hive-125020, the more the community can support your blog. This exchange is crucial for what we all want to achieve together.

Now go say it and have "fun"!!!




Love it

Me too...

Hahahaha, my, what an awesome community you have there!!!
Just sayin' lol!!!

It's all your fault...


It is a really good idea!

thanks for the LUV


hehehe funny community - i'll have to try it out LOL

sounds like a similar community that @penderis started a while ago - but I think he just posts to it for himself! hehehehehe

maybe he'll share his thoughts here too LOLOL

With pleasure, anytime. That all actually started out of some silly "tag games" in the terminal server on discord... it's all James fault, hehehe!

For now we do not really have a clue how to kick-start it. We'll see soon enough i guess!

Thanks for passing by and even leave a comment.


Did you see we have you in every Hhym blog ?