This is the 78th day mobile photoshoot.

in Ecency2 years ago

marigold flower






Hello friends, I have planted a marigold plant at home. It has started flowering. Earlier the sapling was planted in the summer season. But now you can apply in any month. This plant is grown from seed. It is also cultivated. Planting a marigold plant is very easy. Its seed has to be put inside the ground, and some water has to be given, in a few days the plant will start growing. Many plants grow in one place. Then separate them. So that it can grow quickly. When flowering starts. So he starts with his little buds. I have planted flowers of two colors in the house. A red colored flower comes. And on the other comes a yellow flower.

Photos captured by@ahlawat
Camera DeviceLG Q60 Rear Camera 16MP
CategoryNature, Photography, Flowers, Animals, Birds
EditedCaptured one
I hope you like this.You are all welcome.

Sprouting goodness!🌱