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RE: A new start in Bulgaria

in Ecency2 years ago

That is so awesome!!! Welcome to hive! (I’m new too :)
Although I’ve never been to Peru, ask any of my friends where I want to go and they’ll tell you - I just think Peru has such rich and beautiful history!

I learned about the magic of Peru when I was looking for a new musical instrument. I wanted something that would allow me to play the melodies in my heart without having to focus on lyrics or telling a story. This search lead me to the quena, which naturally lead me to Peru! I love traditional Andean music and artists like Uña Ramos - in fact I even started a community here to celebrate these things, called QuenaSabor!

I’m sure that being from Peru doesn’t necessarily make you an instant fan of the quena, but it does make me an instant fan of you! :)


Amazing! Yes that is a fact! I enjoy of peruvian music, but i never had a quena, i feel this kind of music are very conected with the energy of the earth (Pachamama) mother of life, for me is a beautiful conection, pure and direct from the heart, and im happy of people around the world lime you are avaible to conect with, so thanks for keep alive this beautiful vibration and instrument! Many blessings 💫💫💫

That’s incredible! I did a video about that a while back, I think I have scheduled it to go live in February, but essentially it was about how the quena, particularly when you’re playing traditional Andean music (like Fiesta Aymara, Plagaría del Inca, etc), you feel this connection with something bigger. Like today’s music is usually written by an individual, about themselves - and the Andean music was written by the soul of a nation, and that hopes and dreams of countless people are all tied into the energy of the music.

Neat to hear it from you, I just felt that way and decided it must be so, but your explanation of Pachamama really helps give new light to this concept for me :)

Thanks for share this infornation 🙏🙏🙏