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RE: This is Your Brain On Birthday Suits

in Ecency3 years ago

87 It's a childhood thing, a communication # from back when we were hoodlums. I won't elaborate further.

Fun fact—typing 87 with a period after it "87." in the first line turns 87 to a 1. Neat. 87. <-- Try it out.


and typing 88. on the next line changes it to a 2


Did you already know this? Is this a known thing and I'm late to the party?


ye be wantin' the whole world ta know????

these be some of me finer secrets, savvy?!?!?!

Don't share finer secrets with a green-eyed monster, that's asking for pink trouble. Btw @dandays, pink isn't real, it's perception that pink "exists", sooooooo......
Pink fairy isn't real.

Sure. And neither is Santa Anita.

Sure. Sure. You run with that and race hard. 😜

You are late to the party. Second place award, again. 🥈

He just thinks he's special.

87, eh? Sounds like a code word for hoodlums, yes indeed.

Fun fact, yes it does do that. Fun second fact, typing any number with a period after it turns it to a "1" and whatever number next a "2", and so on.... 😜

Sweet. Autocorrect knows 1 comes first.

Yes, it knows, but not autocorrect, it's how the coding for this was written that results in that.