Enjoy Your Week of Rest...and Be Kind!!

in Ecency5 months ago

It's Our Rest Week, and...Here is a Peek at What You can Expect for Our New Challenge!

Can you believe it? Here we are...entering our rest week after a super-amazing collaboration with CWH!!

Thank you to all of you for supporting our collaboration with CWH this last month!

We are so impressed with the amazing posts that were submitted during this collaboration...wow!!

I think we can all say "goal achieved"! All the posts we have read, are truly pin-worthy posts indeed! And that was exactly what we were trying to achieve.

It is amazing what we are capable of when we start pushing ourselves, don't you agree?

And especially by taking our time, properly thinking, designing, editing, re-writing...and eventually coming up with that pin-worthy Master Piece! What an experience!

Time to Rest, but...

Yes, it's time to rest! You all deserve to rest and you should enjoy your well-deserved rest! You earned it!

But remember...we don't take breaks from being kind...LOL!

And...let me give you a little hint of where we are going for the month of March...

We have been invited by @gregscloud to join his KINDNESS community in an exiting collaboration in March!

Even though you can (and should) rest during this week, we want you to get ready.

So, for the first time, we're going to ask you to do something during your rest week...

During your rest week, we want you to think about what kindness means to you!

You don't have to write anything...till next Monday. But for this week, let your mind go...

Kindness. What is kindness? How do you experience kindness. How can you show kindness to other people? How important is kindness to you? Do you think there is a shortage of kindness in the world? Do you think the world can become a better place if we can show kindness?

You can, if you want to, but you don't have to write anything this week.

But, on Monday, March 4, it will be the due date for the first post on the first day of this challenge and you can put your thoughts in writing and submit your post.

So, seeing that we're going into the month with the KINDNESS community, we'll have a full month of kindness...and even during this week of rest, before we officially start the challenge, let's just think about kindness and let it prepare us for what's coming in the new month!


Enjoy your week of rest!

Then, start by being kind to yourself, followed by thinking what kindness means to you and those around you.

While doing the above, watch this space to get all the info you need about this exiting challenge. As more information becomes available, we will share it with you here!


I'm so very excited about this month with @gregscloud!!!!!!!! Thank you for all you do for us @jacoalberts! hehehe

Yes! I think it's an exciting topic for this month and I can't wait to see what the dreemers are going to come up with! I love and enjoy what I'm doing here at DreemPort and I'm glad I can do my part, @dreemsteem 👍!

This is very nice, @gregscloud is doing well with the community promotion, and dreemers are ready to join in the kindness community because that's one of our biggest motto.

Being kind to one another and mostly to strangers.


Your words are decorated with much kindness @gregscloud, thank you for remembering the break, congratulations to all the dreamers who accompanied them in these weeks. I have been a little absent I hope to share in the next challenges.


Congratulations 🥳🥳

@liberius-1 you are the lucky winner of 100 Dreem Tokens for participating in Dreemport’s Bounty.


for those of us who have been lax, we don't have no rest :D
However, it is always a good time to think about kindness.

Waooo, writing about kindness in the next challenge will be awesome, I can wait to join this challenge. #dreemerforlife

I always appreciate themes that are about spreading a little more good in this world, and with that more kindness.


Hehe, we do not take breaks from being kind because kindness itself makes the world go round. This is such a beautiful prompt.



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I think I have come across that community sometimes and i fancy the context.
Well, let's go do some homework shall we?


yes its a brand new community - i can't wait for our collab with them!!

Sadly, I have been preparing for my final exams and have no time for things like this currently. I hope it does not end anytime soon somi could join in a long the way

it will begin the week before your exams March 4 - and go for 3 weeks!
jump in when you can hehehe

Oh okay. I'll be able to join in the last week.

Meanwhile, are we not searching for and wide the seas for treasures this month?

hehehe we are - the post is being written NOW! hahaha

Aye aye captain 🙂🙂

Hahaha no breaks from kindness. I am already loving this month's collaboration and I can't wait to start writing.

Always a #dreemerforlife

hehehe i feel the same rukkie!!

This is an amazing prompt, i thought I know so much about kindness until I started pondering on it when I saw this prompt and I realized I knew just little🤣
See you march 4th. Happy rest week everyone 😍


hi @emreal! hehehe

happy rest week, fellow dreemer!!

Interesting challenge, kindness I would hope comes naturally!


I'm excited to write about this. I'll start crafting my piece, now. 🙂


There's no rest for us who didn't participate in the last challenge. This new challenge looks like something I would like to partake in.

This is going to be a very nice challenge, kindness is one of the virtues the world needs more. I would love to see how this goes.


Looks like this month's challenge is going to be amazing.


Without a doubt, this topic of kindness lends itself to many thoughts, reflections and diverse opinions. It will be very interesting to discover and be part of the challenge. #dreemerforlife

I'm excited for our collaboration. I look forward to reading everyone's posts on kindness. Thankful for this chance.

We are excited for this collaboration with you too, @gregscloud! I think this is a great opportunity for everyone to let their thoughts go and become more aware of the ever so important topic... KINDNESS!! Everybody knows about it... But do we ever stop to actuality pay attention and THINK about it for a while?

Kindness is a great value of life. Everyone needs it for a smooth in journey.
I will definitely join this challenge. This is an amazing prompt kindness.

Very interesting prompt, what better way to stay my dreemport journey than a kindness prompt?


A beautiful prompt for a new month. We show kindness everyday of our lives, whether to ourselves by prioritising peace over anything else or helping someone out with that little help, it's something worth it and being kind. I love this. Let's see what the week brings to us.

This will be an interesting prompt I am definitely sure. I can’t wait to start with it.


It was an amazing time and challenge with the CWH and now over to the collaboration with the kindness community, how sweet? This sure will be awesome, the world needs more acts of kindness and there is no break when in comes to showing kindness.

I'm looking forward to the beautiful things this collaboration will bring not just to Hive but also our world and it begins with us.

Well done dreemport team and the kindness community team.

Being a # dreemerforlife

I wanted to be a part of CWH but my timing.

The next challenge is goin to open new realms of understanding


We all need a bit of kindness along the way.
Great collaboration for the month of March, hope to participate.


Looking forward to this challenge!

I would love to participate this week. I think I'll start by being kinder. Lol


It would be exciting to write in this community. Maybe, just maybe, one will learn better how to be kind before the end of the collaboration