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RE: On your mark, Dreemers! July is HERE!!! Are you ready for Ecency?

in Ecency2 years ago

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you're here!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so happy Daisy!!!!!!!!! hehehehehe

yes! you only need one post per day for DreemPort hehehe Monday - with the introduction and screenshot.

then Tuesday - Thursday - you can do a fresh post - OR remember - with DreemPort you CAN submit an older post that you loved!!! give it some fresh eyes and fresh engagement! hehehe (but try your best to write fresh and new - IF and only IF you have the time! hehehe)

and then on Friday - you'll show your ending points on a post - and just tell us how you enjoyed week 1 hehehe

maybe you can share about your partner too - and tell how the experience was with them! hehehehe

so happy that you're here!!!!


Ufff, it was extra hard to make this post for Monday but it's out there! 😁😁😁

I think I covered everything that was required 😊 Very happy to be here to join more fun! I've been missing a lot here hehe

Much !LUV