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RE: Decks coming soon on Ecency

in Ecencylast year (edited)


this is AMAZING!

I missed this post... but @melinda010100 just shared it with me - THANK YOU MELINDA.. i cannot wait for this to be launched.

this is SERIOUSLY a game changer. I currently have over 1000 notifications on my blog - and every time I come here - I get overwhelmed to see it rising more and more. and I feel so bad that I'm going to be missing things but I can't take the time to click on EVERY single notification and scroll through and all that... so it just gets worse


this is going to allow me to compartmentalize even better and see quickly and at least sift a lot better to the things that I MUST get to

@good-karma - this is everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i cannot wait til this is launched hahahaah


DECKS will be huge! And short content and an organized Ecency version of 'threads' ! I could not be any more excited!