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RE: Failed plans | Should I do Tinder?

in Ecencylast year (edited)

Funny that about this monk tendency. It's not so bad though, despite that it sometimes has you going crazy for intimacy, when you finally get it's usually very good (at least for a while) because you don't hook up with just anyone, rather very deep people like yourself who offer much more than just the body pleasures.

And about people surrounding, I agree. I crave community, but I really need the community to have at least a few like-minded people because otherwise it makes me feel lonelier than being alone. Community without complicity is painful I think.

Thanks for supporting werewolves, few people do


It's not so bad though, despite that it sometimes has you going crazy for intimacy, when you finally get it's usually very good (at least for a while) because you don't hook up with just anyone, rather very deep people like yourself who offer much more than just the body pleasures.

Both are true: the intimacy part and me not settling for just anyone. In fact, I 've hardly ever done this in my life.

People here in this area are pretty like minded ( and so goes for many on Hive ), although I am kind of curious about those I'll meet in town in the near future. I'm looking for some kind of balance between openmindedness and not totally out of it. Mindful but level headed too.

Thanks for supporting werewolves, few people do

You're one of my favorite werewolves.

Aww, and your definitely my favorite philosoraptor!