Failed plans | Should I do Tinder?

in Ecencylast year

Today's plans didn't work. I got up early and prepared to ride a bus that passes twice in the day next to where I live, once at 8 a.m. and then at 18 p.m.

I didn't have to wait in the morning because someone else hitchhiked me before and I was very early in town with nothing to do. I sat in a sunlit space and took in the warmth, which was nice.

The idea was to stay all day there and take the bus of the afternoon back to the forest. My plans were to be at the library preparing some post for Hive, organize an idea of a community garden, and perhaps talk to a family who's house burned down some time ago so that I might go and help them.

Perhaps the mistake was going to the library first, as for some reason I begin feeling terribly out of place there. I missed my beautiful daily scenery in the forest, I felt everything surrounding me was menacing in some way. I can't really explain as there was no particular reason.

Keep in mind that this is my first attempt in years to remain in town for anything longer than shopping the needed goods. I didn't think it would be so hard.

It didn't help that I picked up a book called "Yoga", expecting some wisdom to be more open to the now, but instead I found myself in a story of how no matter how much you search for peace, life is always springing up new dramas and making your efforts crumble 😑

I couldn't help it. My thoughts turned to: "I have the perfect life in the forest, I don't need any of this, and there's no reason to get involved in other people's lives". That's actually sound advice, I think it's the best thing that one can do; Be where you want to live and put all your effort in making it a prosperous place.

Besides, all my intentions to do things with the community have only one real goal and I'm sorry if this seems too basic, but all I'm interested is in finding femenine company, which is the only thing I find lacking of this lifestyle. So I called out my bullshit and put my feet to walk back home.

You might think that why don't I get Tinder on my phone and be over with the problem. I don't know, there's just something I don't like about dating apps. I like it when you meet someone and there's a connection, a real pull to find out more about them. I consider it though, it's a constant thought.

I imagine how my profile would be and there are many options:

  • The pretty version:

Nature lover, free soul, gardener and forester. I'm looking for people to connect with as I live a bit isolated and have few chances to meet new friends.

  • The dark version:

I'm not able to find my inner peace so I'm here on this platform looking for some nympho who wants to duck me till I'm dry and I'll be grateful cause I won't even have energy to be anxious.

  • The truth version

I can be extremely friendly and then turn into a ferocious beast. The only way we're going to get along is if you love the forest so much that you'd have a werewolf for a couple and be chill about it. Only approach of you feel you can handle Nature's peace and it's storms.

And there you have it, with these options in mind I'd rather not. Of course they are all me. I'm all of these descriptions and then some. I wonder if I'd get any matches with the truth version 🤔 I think I should try it just to see the results haha.

Do you have a successful dating app story? Were you truthful or did you paint a pretty image of yourself? Maybe if I see some in the comments I may be convinced.


Yep Yoga 🧘‍♂️ is the way we live consciously thru our day to day…

@tipu curate

Thanks for the tipu 🙏

It's funny how little it's talked about it's dark side. The writer of the book had been practicing for 20 years and still found himself into a hell hole

I've gotten to the age where I no longer find dating to be interesting. So, I guess I don't really have a story for you...

Maybe an interesting story would be when you found out you had lost the interest and how you felt about it. Sometimes I think I've lost interest too, until I go to town and my eyes betray me 😅

I have come to think that we should all get involved with FACES:
Farming, Activism, Cooking, Exercise, and Socializing.

What has been perfectly clear is the parasite class will attempt to erase all will from the populace by conditioning us to accept anything. It seems we all have to be activists to some degree for freedom or whatever is important to you. Farming and cooking I imagine you got that done. It is important to not be reliant on restaurants or take out. Even grocery stores have been used to condition us to wear ineffective mouth covering masks.

If you have an active offline social life, you will meet women. You also need friends of the same gender as well of course. It's great to network.

I like the FACES approach. My offline social life is very limited as I live in a rural area, with no car, with money usually enough to get me through the week, and if I have any extra it goes into tools.

The surrounding farms are all cattle focused and I'm a plant based eater, so you can imagine I don't fit in very well. I've just accepted this as a necessary hermitage to learn self acceptance and to discipline my mind. But I like to joke around every now and then with my posts.

Have a great day!

The parallels!

  • I was in a library too, yesterday ( check out my latest post, from minutes ago ).
  • I am craving for some female companionship but have to admit I have been kind of a monk, most of my adult life and I'm not even sure why. Perhaps I'm paying for a former life ;<)
  • I can't stand dating apps and believe me, I've tried.
    I lived surrounded by nature for 4 and a half years and it's where I feel at peace but now I'm back in a town. I guess I'm less of a hermit than you though and I sense, more and more, that I also need people around me, regularly, to not go crazy, no matter how used I am - compared to most - to spend time with myself.

Be yourself buddy, even if that means being a werewolf, at times.

Funny that about this monk tendency. It's not so bad though, despite that it sometimes has you going crazy for intimacy, when you finally get it's usually very good (at least for a while) because you don't hook up with just anyone, rather very deep people like yourself who offer much more than just the body pleasures.

And about people surrounding, I agree. I crave community, but I really need the community to have at least a few like-minded people because otherwise it makes me feel lonelier than being alone. Community without complicity is painful I think.

Thanks for supporting werewolves, few people do

It's not so bad though, despite that it sometimes has you going crazy for intimacy, when you finally get it's usually very good (at least for a while) because you don't hook up with just anyone, rather very deep people like yourself who offer much more than just the body pleasures.

Both are true: the intimacy part and me not settling for just anyone. In fact, I 've hardly ever done this in my life.

People here in this area are pretty like minded ( and so goes for many on Hive ), although I am kind of curious about those I'll meet in town in the near future. I'm looking for some kind of balance between openmindedness and not totally out of it. Mindful but level headed too.

Thanks for supporting werewolves, few people do

You're one of my favorite werewolves.

Aww, and your definitely my favorite philosoraptor!