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RE: A NEW kind of reward for Dreemers!

in Ecencylast year

Now that's another brilliant idea Dreemie, I have always thought about what more uses the tokens have aside selling them and I'm so happy you've mentioned some here.

That bounty is my best part of it all, I can't wait to go see all the interesting comments from amazing Dreemers, hehe. Thank you so much for giving us more opportunity to earn more points, we are grateful captain ❤️.

I will surely do well to check out the post, the username looks familiar but I'm not sure if I've seen it before, I'll find out soon, hehe.

Have a great week ahead Dreemie 🥰


yes hehehe i've been waiting for it also... sometimes i'm impatient for things to faster LOLOL

don't forget to keep checking the DreemPort homepage every 3 days to grab the next bounty! the 2nd one is up now :) so go see mellindor and then whoever is next!

That's all good, thank you so much for the update, I really appreciate it, I will check it out soon 🥰