
maybe I said something like that! lolol

I don't know because I was so frustrated with my letter N key all day hahahahah

It's fine.

Hope the keys are functioning well now? If aren't bring them here, I think they need some spanking, lol.

nope .hahahah still.not!

but tomorrow the replacement comes hahaha

and then I can go back to writing on my computer hahaha

but for now .. mobile is ok! lol

Okay, it's good to know the replacement comes in tomorrow, mobile is not so bad after all right?

yeah not too bad...and the mobile is actually AMAZING to reply to comments with @ecency!!!!

Yeah... It's so cool using the mobile for @ecency and it's fast too 😊.

it's amazing!!!! so much easier than any other thing!!

@melinda010100 told me but I always got so used to discord hahaha

but now I'm HOOKED on the ecency app for comments!!!!!