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RE: Failed plans | Should I do Tinder?

in Ecencylast year

I have come to think that we should all get involved with FACES:
Farming, Activism, Cooking, Exercise, and Socializing.

What has been perfectly clear is the parasite class will attempt to erase all will from the populace by conditioning us to accept anything. It seems we all have to be activists to some degree for freedom or whatever is important to you. Farming and cooking I imagine you got that done. It is important to not be reliant on restaurants or take out. Even grocery stores have been used to condition us to wear ineffective mouth covering masks.

If you have an active offline social life, you will meet women. You also need friends of the same gender as well of course. It's great to network.


I like the FACES approach. My offline social life is very limited as I live in a rural area, with no car, with money usually enough to get me through the week, and if I have any extra it goes into tools.

The surrounding farms are all cattle focused and I'm a plant based eater, so you can imagine I don't fit in very well. I've just accepted this as a necessary hermitage to learn self acceptance and to discipline my mind. But I like to joke around every now and then with my posts.

Have a great day!