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RE: TREASURE HUNT - You have until the 27th to pre-register!

in Ecency β€’ 6 months ago

Few days to end of year treasure hunt and I'm so excited about it, will do the necessary to dig up some treasures πŸ˜‹

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Merry Christmas dreemers πŸŽ… ❀️

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I just purchased some DIGS, now I can say I am ready for the treasure hunt.

I'm COMING to the Hunt on the 29th at 9 AM Pacific!

You have registered and have 12 DIGS for the Treasure Hunt! See you then!

Thanks Dreem ma'am. I enjoyed the treasure hunt, I only wish I had more DIGS to keep me digging for more 😁

Thanks for the treasures β€οΈπŸ™