
i think you are already at max digs 🤔 I have to check.

if you posted 10 times this month to DreemPort then you can top up!

if not... then you just have the digs alloted on the sheet! hehehe

the sheet will tell you ❤️❤️❤️


You have registered and have 2 DIGS for the Treasure Hunt! See you then!

I can purchase 10 more?

no - only people who submitted 10 posts to dreemport in the last 6 weeks can top up. That's the pre-requisite for participating in the Hunt! hehe

we let people who DIDN'T submit 10 posts join the Hunt this time if they had entered the dig-fest - or they joined in the dreemer of the year challenge

so you got in that way! hehehe but you can't top up LOL

I'm glad I got squeezed in ♥️ A new year is coming, and with it a new focus on Hive and Dreemport :)


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