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RE: How do you get people to join Hive and stick with it?

in Reveriolast year

You and I have talked about this before. You know I love Hive, Steve. I haven't been here as long as you, but I'm only about a year Hive-younger than you. So I am always thinking about this question and discussing it with other people.

I think basically outside of Hive, blogs are dead. Few people blog these days. For those who do want to blog, the tools are much better elsewhere, the other platforms are easier to use, and many of them have more users so even assuming the same low percentage of comments, the number of users on the platform itself usually leads to more comments. Also as to that point, most other blogging platforms allow non-users to comment. Here if a visitor does stumble upon a Hive blog and wants to comment, they can't unless they sign up, which they probably don't want to do. Hive needs to forget the money and the focus on blockchain; 99% of our potential users don't care about that at all, they just want something easy to use where they can share their thoughts and interact easily. It can still be that in the background but the focus for onboarding should not be that because that focus doesn't attract anyone.

For better or worse, the blogging aspect of Hive is currently the main feature. So as currently is, if Hive wants to attract new users, they need to improve the blogging engine:

  • Make the blogging a lot better. Custom CSS, premade templates, javascript support. For starters.
  • Make signing up easier / simplify the key system that is so confusing to so many people
  • Allow for comments by non-users or make it very easy for new users to enable a 3rd party commenting system like Disqus

Anyway, that's just off the top of my head. Less of an answer to your question and more of a rant. haha sorry. I'll watch on Reverio to see if you get better answers than mine.



You must be killin' it out here!
@dbooster just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @steevc.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

I still subscribe to a load of RSS feeds, so blogs are not totally dead. Some might see Hive in competition with sites like Medium, but I think a wider variety of posts are possible. There are loads of people posting about games like Splinterlands and Rising Star. We also have videos from 3speak. Actually playing the games is popular too.

Improving the posting experience is important. It ought to be possible to embed media from more sources. I know it works for a few already, but people don't want to think too much about it.

I can't see the keys system changing much. We need multiple keys for good security and Keychain makes them easy to manage.

Allowing comments from people without accounts would be good. There has been talk of 'light' accounts that would be easier to get. Maybe that will help.

Anything with blockchain will be more complex than Facebook, but we have some advantages apart from rewards. I think we need that critical mass of users for it to take off with lots of good content to attract people. I'm just not sure where that will come from.

Cheers and !BEER

Hey @dbooster, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

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