Paying The Rent // on the roof

in Inner Blocks4 years ago

We have been truly blessed with this opportunity. When a friend offered us a place to stay and said the payment was labor, it made my heart happy.

I have been fixing many things around the house. We initially did a trash out. It is when a renter moves out of a house but leaves alot of stuff behind. So the owner has to come behind them and trash it out. We had over 15 black contractor trash bags full of stuff. I have also be able to sell and donate alot of things.

Today was a perfect day to take on a gross task. I cleaned the gutters and the roof. There are some places on the roof that collect leaves and start to grow moss due to the lack of sunlight.

So I got my hands deep into that gutter mud and got them all cleaned out. It had been a while, there were tiny trees growing in the gutter haha.

I have a food amount of work still to due. I am going to do some drywall mudding, some indoor and outdoor painting, some power washing, and rebuilding a screen door. I am sure that more stuff will also pop up. For now, walking on the hot roof was enough!

Be well
~The Yeti

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Oh yeah, we have also cleaned out a few rentals in our time and I remember black swathes of mold in the one joint. Always a messy affair, but when it's done it's always so much better.
Great going here!

What??!! Only 15 bags? I have done TRAILER loads out of houses.
Replaced the bottom four feet of drywall, and shovelled shit.

Working for rent is always a good deal for construction type people.
However, it has also come back to bite me as owners were too cheap to buy a box of screws,
or they want far more done then the time you allotted.

I get ya on that shoveling crap. I don't barter for that non sense...they pay for that hahaha

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