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RE: And then the universe took another sh-t

That is a lot of bad news to have to deal with, sorry to hear you have to go thru all of this. Be there for your auntie and spend time while you can. Life isn't easy. Take care of yourself thru all of this. xox


Thank you. Life isn’t easy. Everyone has their challenges at different times and everyone eventually (and unfortunately) will face similar circumstances during life. It helps to write it all down sometimes to release the initial stress enough so one can focus on the here and now. I appreciate your reply. ❤️

OMG! I just read the intro post on your profile. WELCOME BACK friend! I didn’t realize it was you when I first saw your comment. It has a been a crazy few years. So glad you are back to hive. Sorry you got locked out of your account. xo

It does help to write it all down, like a release. It sucks but none of us get out of here alive either but it hurts every time especially if you know what's coming. Went thru it with my grampa and it's not easy. You will do ok tho, you're strong.

YEESSS lol you got me figured out! I had a little set back haha. I'm back, slowly finding everyone little by little as I come across. It's kinda cool to be a newbie again tho and letting people recognize me as odd as it sounds. I still have they keys so who knows it may or may not be gone. I'm glad you are still here and posting. I also like to think everything happens for a reason.