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RE: My Satoshi Earning Game Plan

in HODL4 years ago

Lol break out the spreadsheet and pull in some average returns and see what you're pulling in this is no means a fixed amount but it looks to be hovering around there at the moment so I am pretty chuffed. A $600 in today could be a $6000 worth in a few years so fuckit, what I got to lose, it also means if I can kick off this kind of cash flow and I invest $600 in that same month then I've halved my risk making me even more bullish

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Lol, well, I'm definitely not opposed to making another spreadsheet!

There'll always be some variance but if you take a fixed price of BTC and other coins in alts to use as an average then it will make it easier. I usually use a bit more of a conservative amount (like worse case scenario planning) but to rake in $600 per month with your current system only bodes well when things start really going up... alright, time to bust a spreadsheet out once I've done my power up post