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RE: Sport

in Reflections9 months ago

I really enjoyed reading the whole write up. I must say that you people are really blessed, having such kids. I was just amazed after reading the list of things he does at this age. Otherwise children at this age don't want anything else but a mobile phone.

Same is the case with my small cousins, they are really addicted to mobile phones. Even I myself is going through the same condition but my Mother is a really strict person in this regard, em not allowed to use mobile phone in front of her unless it is something necessary.

By the way I can imagine how interesting chat you had with your cute nephew.

You talking about pain to coconuts? Man, I literally cracked them while playing cricket. I wasn't wearing a guard and the bowl (that damn cricket ball) hit there. Ahh! I can feel that now. I was in an unconscious state for a time. I have tried other sports but cricket is the one I play mostly.



Most kids get a screen thrust in front of them but my brother's do not do that with @smallsteps and @mrbonkers, they have a more balanced set of activities.

You've had a coconut cracking from a cricket ball? I've had the same and it's never a good thing. Still, pain fades and we go back for more. I played cricket back in the day, these days it's only on the beach or at a picnic with mates and nothing fact, the complete opposite of serious. I was ok at it, but not great. I actually went to primary and high school with a chap who eventually played for (and later coached) the Australian cricket team. I hit that fucker for six once, but other than that time he was way better than me.

Your brother is doing a really good job as a parent. Much appreciated.

Oh, that's nice to know that your friend played in Australian cricket team. Can I know his name? Because I actually have much interest in cricket and I can guess when you said you once hit him a six, he is a bowler.

Darren Lehmann. He was more known for batting but was a reasonable left-arm orthodox spinner as well.

Yup, I have heard of him.

Figured you might.