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RE: Where are you Pointing?

in Reflections6 months ago

I've to say i'm in a sabbatical year. And I started to be active here during this period.
Mmm its an interesting article but actually I'm am more about live the day, the moment, without planning anything. Taking care of attention sounds to me, for this moment, as always in an alert mode. I am also thinking that some stuff is good for planning for the long term but life is always unpredictable and can completely change your planning. Big article :)


Are you completely content in your life? Day by day is a life without purpose, isn't it? Always reactive, never proactive - often based on feelings, whether they are valid, or not. I have been thinking about it a lot over the last decade and I believe that people have misunderstood the "live in the moment" concept, as they think it is to live without plans. I think it is that we are always living in the moment, but if we are living without purpose, we aren't really living.

I think that to be completely content can't always be possible and to be always reactive uhm it's an excess. Otherwise we are a robot.
I agree 100% for the purpose. But going deeply, the purpose can also be temporary for a year, five years.. and then it happens at an event that mixes all the cards on your hands. But yes, a purpose is necessary, vital.
I had a plan A that opening the eyes was not worth it. So yes I am redefining a different plan :) Really nice conversation!