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RE: Where are you Pointing?

in Reflections6 months ago

Are you completely content in your life? Day by day is a life without purpose, isn't it? Always reactive, never proactive - often based on feelings, whether they are valid, or not. I have been thinking about it a lot over the last decade and I believe that people have misunderstood the "live in the moment" concept, as they think it is to live without plans. I think it is that we are always living in the moment, but if we are living without purpose, we aren't really living.


I think that to be completely content can't always be possible and to be always reactive uhm it's an excess. Otherwise we are a robot.
I agree 100% for the purpose. But going deeply, the purpose can also be temporary for a year, five years.. and then it happens at an event that mixes all the cards on your hands. But yes, a purpose is necessary, vital.
I had a plan A that opening the eyes was not worth it. So yes I am redefining a different plan :) Really nice conversation!