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RE: Compassion and clarity

in Reflections3 months ago

I can't speak for the entire history of mankind, I'm not that old, however I think it's more prevalent now, people being so unkind to themselves, possibly because the image mainstream and social media portray of life and what "it is supposed to look like" which I believe to be quite skewed and rather terrible.

I see so much evidence of this around me, in the real world because I don't use social media, and so many people, girls and guys both, who succumb to the pressure and false sense of reality that bombards them which leads to the sense that they are not worthy, insignificant or irrelevant and subsequently dictates how and what they do. It doesn't bring happiness though, no clarity or balance.

Becca 🌷


I hope how I worded my comment didn't sound like I was saying you were old ! I AM old and I am happy to still be here. I suppose how I was thinking on it is the views I had even at 20 were much different than when I was 30 and the views I had when I was 30 were much different than when I was 40..... in the "live and learn" kind of way.

I do understand what you are saying though about the social media thing and it's affect on some of the younger generations who have never known a time without it. I suppose it has much more of a reality factor to it then it does to someone like me who was only exposed starting midlife.

No not at all, I didn't think you were indicating that at all.

I have found the same as I've progressed and gotten older, things change just as you mention and views, tastes in music, movies, foods, art and other general interests too; I suppose we just keep developing.

Becca 🌷