The way we fall

in Reflectionslast year

We can fall in many ways, humans are imperfect and despite actively working towards ideal outcomes we are subjected to external forces that are outside of our ability to control which can have adverse effects upon our desired outcomes. I don't think any of us are impervious to such things, we're all the same in that way, however we all deal with those moments differently, some better than others.

Falling over never feels good and despite it being an opportunity to learn and do things better next time, it can be difficult to cope with. We each must find our own way to do so and fortunately there's many ways in which we can do that.


I took this image

My partner and I have recently had a situation arise that took us by surprise; it wasn't in our plan, carefully thought out and actively pursued, however it happened anyway and we've been left to deal with it as best we can.

Luckily, we're both accepting of happenstance and know things will always go wrong irrespective of the best laid plans, so we didn't struggle to accept the situation, however it's caused us to have to think creatively and on our feet. We've spent time adjusting, working through strategies and ideas to mitigate the effects of the situation we were presented with and began to design a plan, a life-plan, to move forward with and it's beginning to fall into place.

We both believe in planning and strategizing on how we can live the best lives possible and then designing that life, taking the actions that will lead us towards it. We do this together and with the thought that if we do not, we may fall and land in a plan devised by someone else and generally other people don't have much of a plan around anyone or anything except themselves so it wouldn't be in our best interest.

No matter how well-planned one's life may be, there will always be unforeseen occurrences that are not part of that plan. It can be disappointing, hurtful and even destructive, but there's only one way to lessen the impact of those things and that's by planning once again and around the situation; ignoring it means we fall into someone else's plan.

Becca 💗


Falling over never feels good and despite it being an opportunity to learn and do things better next time, it can be difficult to cope with.

From when Smallsteps was very young, when she fell I would get her to say "It doesn't matter - We all fall over sometimes" and dust her knees off and try again. She still does it most of the time :)

Having the understanding that we're going to fall over at times is important, as is the understanding that standing up, dusting off and progressing is the only really viable way to proceed. Learning this at a young age is the best time to learn it.

Becca 🙃