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RE: Out-of-bounds!

in Reflectionslast year

I stay away from the slopes for this very reason. I have never skied in my life and I have a feeling I probably never will. I did some cross country once a long time ago, but that doesn't really count does it? My nieces roommate messed up her ACL and even after surgery she is still having issues with it. That can be a tough one to conquer for sure!


Cross country is something completely different indeed.
The ACL is already strong enough again, now they have to wait until the body will accept the new ACL. In the old days, one could practice sports again after ACL surgery after 6 months, now this has been extended up to 9 months. All based on stats of course.

I know she has been playing softball after her injury and surgery, but it still bugs here quite a bit. She played a double header the other day and I heard her complaining to her dad about how badly it hurt after the games.