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RE: The Days Between

in Reflections10 months ago

We have the first day of school coming up right around the corner. I am still not ready for it. I have a lot of stuff that needs to be done before students start coming back. I know from first hand experience it is hard separating the kids each year. Sometimes there is a reason, sometimes it just happens that way. It could have nothing to do with her honestly. They might know that two other kids don't get along so they try to keep them separated and that leaves a single spot that has to be filled. Things like that. It's unfortunate, but ultimately for the greater good.


We know that her one friend in the class asked to be in a class with Smallsteps, as many kids don't play with her. She is really nice, but doesn't speak Finnish perfectly and I think that Smallsteps understands this more than most kids her age, so can allow for it.

She will be fine, but it makes it easier for us as parents to connect with other parents too.

Yeah, I can understand that. Sometimes that is just the way things work out too. It's really hard to say. They are never going to make everyone happy. I hope she has a great year and makes some awesome new friends!