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RE: Halfway to the Stars

in Reflections5 months ago

We have been in a bit of a hot spell here and it has been pretty miserable. Hot for this time of year anyway. Temps in the 40's and this incessant drizzle that just needs to go away. I'd be fine if it was -11 as long as the sun came out. I've been saying for a while that I feel like I keep living for those big moments on the one extreme of the scale and I need to appreciate the everyday stuff more. The average as you said. That's where the majority of your life takes place honestly.


I'd be fine if it was -11 as long as the sun came out.

It was sunny, but not for long - the days are only about 5h at the moment :)

That's where the majority of your life takes place honestly.

I get the feeling that if we pay a bit more attention, the average could be incredible.

I get the feeling that if we pay a bit more attention, the average could be incredible.

That's my goal for the future.