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RE: Oops and Downs

in Reflections2 months ago

I don't know as though I have ever felt that kind of despair. I am guessing because I have always had people around. Probably the lowest I have been lately was a couple of weeks ago when our dog passed. That hit me even harder than going through cancer. My niece has been through concussion protocol a couple of times and I know how much it impacted her. I think a lot of that was just the idea that she couldn't play the sports she loved. Not the overall direction of her life. I get what you are saying here though. With that screen time off the table many of these people don't have any real connection to get them through times like this.


I'm sorry to hear about your dog Bozz, that is so rough. Losing a loved pet is honestly one of the hardest things because they are around all the time, so when they're not it obviously impacts you every day.

Thanks! We have been good most the week, but yesterday was rough, my wife had her first day home alone without her and I had to work at a clients house that had two dogs. We were both crying by the time I got home.

I'm sure. I'm sure you know it will get easier over time, but never quite disappear completely... which I think is fair because she obviously brought you both so much joy during your time together. Dogs really are the best of us.

For this person, they were saying that after three weeks, they were still struggling. Ended up having to have all the MRIs to check for other issues. It was over two months before they were feeling somewhat normal, but still 5 months later, not 100% - I am not sure how hard they hit their head.

Spending time alone should be part of all of our lives, just to hear what our head is saying, without the distractions of the world to drown it out.

Will you get another dog?
We lost ours a few years ago now, and my wife and daughter want one - but I am not quite ready for it.

Yes, that does sounds quite severe then. They must have really taken a whack! We had always thought we would get another dog someday after we do some traveling and other things that weren't possible with Jovi. After suffering this heartbreak, I'm not sure that is still on the table. This has absolutely destroyed both of us more than we thought it would, and I am not sure if there would ever be room in our hearts for another one.