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RE: Talking To A Rock

in Reflections5 months ago

Insert validating statement with option for fist bump to the survivors of fucked up shit.

Don't always know how to make a delicate response when I read the raw, but always want to say "I see you. I hear you." I'm proud of you and Pura for finding your awesomeness in spite of (or because of?) adversity.


Fist bump, hug, whaddup!! knuckles.

I can't tell. You don't stop by all the time but when you do you're good at knowing what to say. I realize now the similarity in that sentence but it's not a spin on the worlds most interesting man.


Wait, which one of us is the world's most interesting man, now?

Elbow nudge and raised glass. (what's in the glass? french vanilla creamer. straight up.)

All hazelnut will ever be is a good 2nd!

Hazelnut gelato, on the other hand... you could start world wars with that shit. Good thing not many people know about it.