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RE: All that matters

in Reflectionslast year

hi you! hehehe
Everyday I'm thinking - what in the world to write now. hahahaha
and then - something comes. I'm so grateful for the gift of writing - but it really is a talent that needs to be honed! It surprises me when I look back over the years and see that I really have developed as a writer... because i think we kinda always "feel" like we're not growing, and we're not so bad...
and we're not!

but maybe not so good either hahahaha

and it's nice to have these little bits of growth spurts where you can look back and go hey... actually - that one was actually kinda GOOD!

i've had a few of them in the past few weeks that I just go back and re-read and smile thinking... i did that????

and without sounding arrogant - ahahah i have to just kinda let that bit of pride settle in and feel it and acknowledge it and go ... yeah. you did. now keep going!

so thank you sam for this challenge!!! it's been very needed!!! and i didn't know i needed it.


You have every right to be proud of what you have achieved. I told you from the very start that you were special. You have a gift, Leah. I have always loved your writing and I am so happy that you are making time for it now. It shows!!! Magic... 💗💗💗 !LUV


its you i say!