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RE: Nothing Left to Eat

in Reflections4 months ago

It would be interesting to run an audit on "what makes us happy and work out how much of it is actually good for us, improves us, makes us a better version of ourselves.

I keep telling myself that if I'm actively dancing in the clubs all weekend, at least it is a good way to stay active and work on my aerobic conditioning. It's not just for the scene and the sounds, it's for the workout too 🤣🤣

the people who add the least value, seem to take the most resources.

Yes and no, to an extent. I think about all the energy consumed by the private jets and the 1% jet setting around just to be seen by their friends. Sure they have the funds to afford this behavior, but they sure are using a bunch of resources that would serve society much more efficiently if it was spread among the masses!