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RE: Walking away

in Reflections2 months ago

Dear Becca, like you, probably many of us, who are old enough to be employed (for example, I spend 10 hours a day at work), have problems with lack of time, but the only question is whether you have the opportunity to make a choice and to work what you love.
For example, shortly before I became active on Hive, I was bringing my work home.
Scenario, I get home from work, have lunch and turn on my laptop and continue working. A year ago, I made the decision that I didn't want that. When I come home, I want to be with my partner, to talk, watch movies, sit, play games... Everything but not to work, because I am not paid for additional work from home.
It occurred to me to find a place where I can post some of my thoughts, experiences, pictures of places I've visited, without it being FB, which has never been my favorite.
I found BC and Hive.
This year, I have a set goal - daily posts, and I am almost certain that by fulfilling that goal, I will thin out my posting, making quality posts a couple of times a week.
It's true, you need to be active in communicating with people, and that's a little harder, especially because of the time difference, but when you have the will, you find the time, especially for topics that interest you.
Don't completely stop your presence here, get in touch when you can, comment when you come across something interesting...

PS. I must note that your man has an eye for spotting a pretty woman 🙂
Jeans and cowboy boots, extra combination🙂


I was able to post daily for about a week and enjoyed it although at the time I was able to devote a little bit of my day which isn't possible at the moment. Two a week is all I can manage as I have to focus on more important things. If I can do an additional one and have something on my mind to say then I will but surely won't be worried if it can't happen.

I want to keep it an enjoyable activity and not making it like a job; I think if I did that I would soon stop.

I'll tell my man you said that, about his excellent eye for pretty girls...well, one girl (me) anyway! He likes me in boots and I love wearing them so it's a good match. He's a good man, the best I could ask for really and I'm very lucky to have him...and I think he's luck to have me too, but that's just my opinion. 😋

Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.

Becca 🌷