Happy New Year, Welcome 2024! 🥳🥂

in Reflections6 months ago (edited)

First of all, I'd like to wish everyone Happy New Year and all the best in the upcoming 365 days! Let this year be better than the last one! Raising a glass of champagne to our success!


2023 was a colorful year for me with lots of achievements and changes, most of them personal. I don't have a diary in real life, except this blog, but I don't really write about personal stuff here anyway, so most of the things that happen during the old year are in my memory. However, today I'd like to share a few thoughts about what 2023 taught me.

You Don't Know How Strong You Are Till Being Strong Is The Only Option

This looks like a cliche you see on the internet thrown left and right by those who want to look important and smart. Maybe it is a cliche, but it has a good dose of truth in it as well.


Last year I was put to the test a few times and sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel was nowhere to be seen. In these cases it's hard to find the strength to carry out what is ahead of you, but life taught me to do it anyway for a good reason. If you succeed, you get the satisfaction of a lifetime, that you did it against all odds. If you fail, you know you did everything in your power and will have a clean conscience, which is very important in life in my opinion.

There's nothing worse than having a bad conscience and living with regrets for the rest of your life. When you're facing your next tough challenge in life, you can look back in time, relive those old times and the taught that you did it once, can give you the necessary strength to go on and face the next challenge coming your way.

Don't Take Anything For Granted

This is a lesson I learnt years ago, when life decided to show me not everything is granted in life, even if you have it for the time being. Back then I was very young and maybe going through it was a blessing in disguise as it made me learn this lesson at that young age, I just could not see it that way back then.


The change came out of nowhere basically and shocked me to tears. It made me reevaluate my whole life and think about what I had and what I lost. I was fortunate for the change not to be permanent and got my life back after two weeks of struggle and pain, but my life was never the same after that.

Last week, which was literally the last week as the year ended, I got another reminder from life. The change came out of the blue this time too, as always does and crossed all my plans in a split second. Over the years I got used to it and know how to handle these situations, this is why I don't get angry or disappointed about the canceled plans, but unfortunately I still tend to forget to not take everything for granted.

There are millions living displaced all over the world for different reasons. Broken hearts, broken dreams, broken families, broken homes, broken lives. Unfortunately you can't turn time back and life has no delete button either. This is why you have to appreciate what you have and be happy for every little thing life gives you.

Find The Strength You Need Wherever You Can

Life is never a Disneyland for anyone. No matter who you are, rich or poor, short or tall, there will always be challenges for you, just different ones. Life is more like a roller coaster, with a bunch of ups and downs and sometimes the "downs" seem to be more than the "ups", which can create a huge imbalance and this is the time when you need to be creative.


I think it is characteristic of all people to long for prosperity and well-being. When they don't have it, desperation kicks in and many don't know how to get out of it. The truth is, no one is going to knock on your door to offer you help, but despite that, help can be available around you, if you can recognize it.

Sometimes the right kind of music can give you the necessary strength to get up and go on. Or people who have been through hell can serve as a good example and give you the motivation you need to make the next step. Or just talking to a total stranger can make you feel a bit better. Help can arrive in various forms and shapes but you're the only one to recognize it and use it to your advantage.

Never Be Afraid To Face New Challenges, Try Out New Things

This is actually a funny one. I've been doing this for a long time and last year got me some nice benefits. You won't believe what's happened :)

A few months back I saw an announcement on Twitter about a meme contest. I hate memes, have never liked them, let alone create one, but the prize for the winner was $200!


With 0 experience, I mean literally zero experience in creating memes, you can imagine my chances of winning were slim to none, but this is not a bad thing as it makes things easier actually. When you have nothing to lose, the whole thing becomes a lot of fun.

Long story short, I created a meme that I thought would be appreciated by the project, submitted it and closed the chapter already. There was no reason to have expectations, so I moved on. Imagine my surprise after a few days, when the winner was announced and I saw myself named as winner.

$200 may seem like pocket money for some, but when you think of what you could buy with it, things change instantly. For example, I could buy three or even four pairs of good quality, leather shoes with it and when someone asks you if you want four pairs of leather shoes for free, I bet you say yes! Did I buy shoes with the money? Of course not :)


The first thing I did was convert the $200 worth crypto into the project's native token, then pooled it for passive income. This was almost two months ago. How did my prize money perform so far? Let's see. The token I invested in is up 37% since then, not to mention the passive income distributed daily, which is auto-compounded, to make more. Not bad for a joke and this is just the beginning.

My Hive journey started pretty much the same way. My main goal was to practice English, share my photos and test my limits, while having fun. It's been 6 years since then and here I am. I think it's safe to say Hive has changed my life. I could write a novel about the journey, but that's another story for a different post.

I'm trying to remember these things as it helps me make better, smarter decisions and also learn from them as that's the main point. I hope you have similar stories from 2023. Feel free to share them in a comment.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



I have taken it upon myself to read all your words and they have certainly moved me.

"You Don't Know How Strong You Are Till Being Strong Is The Only Option"

This is an absolute truth, this year has also taught me a lot and I hope that 2024 continues to teach me as well as you. I am happy that you have achieved things and that you have the enthusiasm to continue.

Life is not Disneyland as you say but we do the best we can. You are inspiration my dear @erikah 🥰 I loved reading you ❤️

I wish you all the best this year and I hope to do great things with you here at Hive.

A huge hug for you and many kisses 🤗😘😘

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@erikah! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ dimascastillo90. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

I think we all are going through similar experiences, just maybe in a different way. Life is unpredictable, you never know what's next for you, this is why it's better to be prepared to some extent.

Thank you for the nice comment my dear friend, you're a true gentleman as always! Lots of hugs and kisses to your model 😁😘🤗

Let's make 2024 an awesome year!

Happy New Year to you too! Thank you for sharing your thoughts here, it was a pleasure to read all your post and agree with you on everything you said and lived.
Cool thing about the twitter meme. 😍That's similar with what I experienced here on hive in my first two months. There was a challenge and I got a comment from someone inviting me to participate. And I was like....yeah sure 🙄.
The price was 200 steem and it was a six weeks challenge. And I won! LOL. It was a cool experience for a newbie who just wrote her few posts on the platform. So I really enjoyed it.

Also, about what you wrote, thats something I got to remember too this year: Gratitude. Be humble. Be grateful for what you already have. Give more. Be happy and content. Be positive.

An Nou Fericit! I wish you only the best this year, Erikah! 🥰🥰🥰

P.S. Cheers to the year of 2024 all the way from Arad!🤗🤗 I dont have a photo with champagne, I hope the prosecco works too. 😂


Hi my lovely friend! I'm really happy to hear you liked the post and that you agree with it. Just a few thoughts, but I think it refers to all of us.

Wow, how cool is that you won your first challenge on the legacy chain! These unexpected wins are the ones that can fuel you to keep doing it :)

Gratitude. Be humble. Be grateful for what you already have. Give more. Be happy and content. Be positive.

These are things everyone should live by. Wise words from a wise lady! ❤️

An Nou Fericit vă doresc și vouă! 😘😍🤗 All the best in the new year and don't change! You're one of the most down to earth person I know!

Of course prosecco works too, anything that kills is good 😆🤣
The photo is amazing btw!

Well, why not agree? I mean I know they are your thoughts and experiences but as you said, these are things everyone should live by and I'm sure many of us have been living such awakening and meditate about our lives.
At least, I get you. I sometimes been here too with all these thoughts myself.

Thank you for your Happy New Year wish! I wish you the same but what I wish most for is health, exactly what you mentioned in your 2024 Plans. I've read your post too. And I want those for myself too! I started running this year already and I intend to keep on this. I need it such much!

Hugs 💓💓💓

Thank you for the nice wishes :) Good luck with running, I know it can change you completely and it's the best thing that can happen to you. You get a different mindset, a changed mentality and discipline. I used to run years ago and loved it!

😘🤗❤️ Hugs to you too!

Well yes, I kind of love it too. Its the only thing I can do at the moment and enjoy it.
But in the last two weeks we had a bright weather! Now its freezing. I think I will try something else 🤣 at least for one month.


My dear friend and talented author/creator/photographer @erikah!... This is a nice post and I didn't know you were good at making memes too!... What a talented #hiver!... hahaha :)) I wish you all the best in this 2024!... And lots of great moments in #hive for you to share with us!... Thanks for being here!... A big hug!


Jesus, you're too kind and there has to be a cap to flattery! 😁

Thank you very much for the nice words. I'm not good at memes, maybe I got lucky, but in any case, it was a nice surprise.

I wish you all the best in the new year and I hope it's going to be better than the old one!

Big hugs to you too Jesus! 🤗

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Some very wise words here. My 2023 was very special and me and my new family are now looking forward to what 2024 will bring us. Happy New Year from Prague! :)

@tipu curate

My dear friend @phortun, I've been thinking about you lately and I'm glad to see you here :)

I know you had a special year full of joy and I'm really glad for you and your family 😊 I wish you all the best in the new year!

Happy New Year, girl! May your 2024 look exactly as planned. And keep inspiring us with your posts and passions 🎇🎆

Happy New Year cat lady and all the best in 2024!!! 😻 I hope I'll have more time to read posts and comment and I've failed you in 2023 😳

Great highlights. I vote for each of them...

Happy New Year, dear Erikah!


Happy New Year my dear Zirochka, let 2024 be the year of expected change for you! 😘

erikah, zirochka sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Who would have thought what you Loved so much would have been a blessing in disguise? Right now I'm trying to picture how happy you must have been getting a mention not just for participating but for being the winner! Congratulations on your achievement 🥂🥳.

Life is a school and no matter how hard we try, we have to learn lessons from it no matter how small it is. Thank you for sharing some of the incredible lessons 2023 taught you, I hope to keep them at heart and help myself with them.

All the best even as you keep crushing your goals and objectives this year! Happy new year ma'am 🥰

Life is a journey full of lessons. They say smart people learn from other people's mistake, while dumb people need to make their own mistake. The sad thing is, some people never learn, not even from their own mistake.

Thanks for the nice words, I wish you Happy New Year and all the best!

That's true, some people just never learn. I'm glad to have gotten the opportunity to learn from your lessons, I hope to put them to good use when the need arises 🥰.

You're welcome and thank you too! 🥂 To more improvements

2023 was sure a challenging year in many aspects and thanks to those full of many learned lessons for me too.

Congratulations on winning that meme contest. Your investment turned out pretty amazing too 🤩

Happy and healthy 2024 🥂🎉💙

Most likely we all had a challenging year and 2024 will be pretty much the same, just maybe with different challenges.

Thanks for the nice words, indeed, I made a good decision as the prize money worth more now.

Happy New Year to you too @fantagira! 🤗

Hopefully different challenges and we’re better prepared for them with the lessons from the past year. That’s what I say to myself at least 😉

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Actually 200 is a lot of money for me as well. You can really buy a lot of things with that money.

I’m glad 2023 was a great year for you, and I hope 2024 is gonna be a very good one as well!!

Happy New Year!

It is a lot for those who can appreciate every penny. Someone told me recently, Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves and I couldn't agree more. And yes, you can buy a lot with it and with the investment I made, now I could buy 5 pair of shoes 😁 but I won't.

Thank you for the nice words @belug and Happy New Year!

Muchas felicidades @erikah que bueno que hayas podido superar esos momentos dificiles y reconocerlos aqui en Hive generalmente mostramos lo mejor que tenemos o hacemos pero siempre son bienvenidas esas experiensas malas de otros, primero para conocerce mejor y entender al otro y segundo porque muchas veces lo que le pasa a uno tambien lo esta pasando alguein más y puede servir para sentirse acompañado o encontrar un modo de superarlo.
Muchos exitos con tus metas este año, no tengo dudas de que todos estaremosatentos a cuando las compartas por aqui.

Many thanks for the nice words my dear friend Nitsu! I tend to keep these things off the chain as I don't like to complain, but it's good to look back and remember the lesson life teaches us. Otherwise we never learn anything.

Keep being amazing in the new year as well and I'm looking forward to reading your great posts. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

Happy new year to you too. At the risk of stating the obvious, this is a very inspiring post, and I sure as hell am inspired. Key takeaway for me is, despite any doubts or second-guesses, which I believe is natural, just do it....

I wish you'd share the meme you created, a good laugh is always welcome.

Cheers to more and more good, and less bad! 🥂

Thank you @uchelee, happy New Year to you too! I'm glad to know it is inspiring, as that means I did not write this only for myself :) No sharing the meme :P No way!

We wish you a successful and happy year with everything you wish for, especially health.

Thank you for the nice words, I wish you also Happy New Year and all the best!

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Happy New year friend. Interesting to know about your long journey in Hive. I accept the fact you wrote about accepting new challenges. Yes only then we can move on.

Happy New Year to you too @shamis! Yes, it's going to be 6 years shortly.

Happy new year to you as well as a “newbie” , I totally loved the helpful tips and it was definitely an interesting read
Thank you

I'm really glad and Happy New Year to you too!

Hello! I hope you had a great start to the year! Good advice, I think these years have been complex and interesting for many, I never thought I would dare to be here again, but here we are. I hope your goals are achieved, I have always thought that the best thing to start the year is to have clear objectives. 🤞🏻🤍✨

Well, this place is open to anyone, so no courage or investment is needed, just do it. Yes, clear objectives are good, always. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! thanks for sharing. Life is what you make of it. Many people long for what others have but in reality you never know what another person is going through. People may look sucessful and confident on the outside but really be struggling. My lesson from the year is to take advantange of what is offered. Be happy with what you have, not always longing for something else. We formed strong friendships with two couples living near us. Neither were "like" us. Both have become close friends. We went everytime we were invited even things we "don't" do. We had many wonderful experiences that in another time in our lives we would have missed. Missed and never even knew it.

Happy New Year to you too @steven-patrick! Indeed, life is what you make of it and opportunities are made, they don't just come knocking on your door.

I'm really glad you made new friends and collected some new experiences as well. it's important.

Happy New Year, I came across your article and wondered if we can share this project's native token. It's quite an affordable amount to start with.

Happy New Year to you too @rencalson and sorry, but I wish to keep the project's name secret :)

Inspiring post with lots of lessons. Thanks for detailing and creating so much understanding.

May the year 2024 be a healthier and fulfilling year to you and your loved 🥰 ones. Happy New Year 🎉🎆

Thank you @sunshine29 for the nice words, I wish you also Happy New Year and all the best in this new year! Let's make it a good one.

Thank you so much. Blessings

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Just like that another year has come to an end and this year has been good for all of us and there have been some problems but that was part of life and time has passed. Be very good to people.

Happy New Year! Congratulations on your success. May that continue into 2024

Happy New Year to you too @thetroublenotes and all the best in 2024!

Buen día y feliz año nuevo, muy buena reflexión, la vida es algo bonito y muchas de las cosas que vivimos es debido al camino que previamente decidimos tomar pero que muchas veces no nos damos cuenta de eso y terminamos culpando a otro de lo que nos pasa en la vida

Well, blaming others is an option, but it leads nowhere and just makes things worse. We need to take responsibility for our actions and accept the consequences.

Happy New Year to you too @zarazamagallanes!

Buen día y feliz año nuevo, muy buena reflexión, la vida es algo bonito y muchas de las cosas que vivimos es debido al camino que previamente decidimos tomar pero que muchas veces no nos damos cuenta de eso y terminamos culpando a otro de lo que nos pasa en la vida

Buen día y feliz año nuevo, muy buena reflexión, la vida es algo bonito y muchas de las cosas que vivimos es debido al camino que previamente decidimos tomar pero que muchas veces no nos damos cuenta de eso y terminamos culpando a otro de lo que nos pasa en la vida

Investing the reward into good hands is worth more than the rewards itself.

We agree on that my friend!

Giving up is not an option here. Yes, we have been strong to still be standing at this point, but we cannot stop being strong now!! Happy New Year @erikah

Giving up is an option here as nothing is a must. Everything is optional.

Happy New Year!

haha!! True to a very reasonable point :) Maybe putting some optional things as priority might and leaving the less important would do the trick.

Congratulations on creating a great meme, and for surviving 2023 with such optimism. It was certainly a very hard year for so many of us and now we can look forward to a brighter future in 2024. Happy New Year @erikah

Happy and Healthy 2024.

I am curious now about the meme you created. It would be worth adding the meme in your post :)

@erikah sir

Assalamu Alaikum. good morning
I made a mistake in my ignorance. I google translate your post and use your photography when posting. I had no idea about this and did not know that it was such a big crime.. But later I realized my mistake.

It is natural to make mistakes as human beings. But after you downvoted my post yesterday evening I went to hivewatcher and appealed.. But from there I was told to talk to you.

I hope you will forgive me for the first time and refrain from giving me downloads in the future. Because we kids make mistakes, it's normal and it's nice if you forgive..

I would really appreciate it if you could give some guidance on this matter and remove my downvote. Please help me. I am deeply ashamed and apologetic for this off work.

I sincerely apologize for my mistake. And I will be eternally grateful if you refrain from downvoting me. And now I'm constantly sharing my original writing and original photography.. In the future I will be careful about this and never start copying and photographing anyone's writings.

Just this request please look at me with forgiveness.