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RE: Lie as a Feather

in Reflections2 months ago

Today groups are being born that are being funded to promote fatness, they say that weight is not an indicator of health, that being fat is a condition that has nothing to do with food and I find it stupid, the other day I was watching a talk about obesity where they threw a man for just saying a great truth that the solution to obesity was to exercise and controlled diet, but the reality is that the numbers do not lie if I ate 300 calories a day I would be very low in weight what I mean is that people perceive that they eat less and still do not lose weight when the reality is that they are eating more calories than necessary for the maintenance of our body.


that being fat is a condition that has nothing to do with food

Perhaps they are right - maybe it is a purely a mental problem. =D

There are very rare conditions where a person can put on weight even in calorie deficit supposedly - but it seems that many overweight people believe they have this extremely rare condition.