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RE: Digging Myself Out of The Isolation Hole

Yes, I am uncomfortable, I am a little scared right now.

And yet, here you are going ahead and doing it. This already tells me that you have something inside of you that will give you the capability to bring yourself out of the hole that you've dug. You've gone beyond taking the first steps, which are arguably some of the toughest: acknowledging the problem and finding the courage to address it.

Now you've reached the point of action, and it's clear that you have good motivation for acting upon it. Your trajectory from this point forward will be a culmination of your own decisions, and by conscientiously making the ones you know are right, you'll be thanking yourself down the road. It's not going to be a smooth or easy road, but it's a road nonetheless.

Continue to find the courage and strength to bring yourself into a better place. After all, once you've hit rock bottom, the only place left to go is up. Make sure that you've already pushed yourself past your own rock bottom. And if you ever need help continuing to push yourself, both mentally and physically, that's absolutely ok, and feel free to reach out to me for the support. We rely on each other to grow - we're programmed that way! And yes, you are very much worth it. 😊

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Thank you very much. Yes, action is what is required. My new motto is step by step. One step at a time.

That's an outstanding approach. Many steps add up to a long, rewarding journey.

Also, I hope you wouldn't mind... I'd like to reblog this post to the FreeCompliments community. I think you could use a "Compliment Bomb" from our members so that you'd get a bit of extra support from those who see it. 😁

That is fine, sure. Thank you.