Brief relections on life - it's a life to be lived!

in Reflections3 months ago
Authored by @Yasel

Sometimes I think that we walk this life, like boats hit by waves, that life goes by us and not us by it by it, so many questions and very few answers, why there are diseases or death, why there are wars and no lasting peace, why sometimes to find happiness we have to suffer, why we have to go through pain and say goodbye to loved ones forever. Why there are people who take advantage of others, why when we have money or power we are easily corruptible. Why billions of dollars are spent on wars, when we have mortally wounded children who have no money to pay for medical expenses. Why are we frowned upon because we do not have clothes or shoes to wear, but it is simply clothes and shoes, our heart, what we carry inside is more valuable than that. Why are there people who throw away food and others who have nothing to eat, why are there people who mistreat others because they are stronger, isn't this a cowardly attitude? Why are animals protected, but nevertheless the fruit of love between 2 people is not born because of the parents' decisions, I am clear about one thing: all life has the right to live, but that is all life.At least in this life there is love our lifeline that makes life a little more bearable, well we have no choice but to live this life because the future is not yet written, and although this life is unfair, suffering and full of anguish and pain we must live it because life is a gift.