Coffee shop reflections

in Reflections8 months ago

fuck off dick wad.jpg

I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.

- Leonardo da Vinci -

I love that quote. It reaches within me and gathers scattered parts, dusts them off and puts them into some semblance of order so that I can keep pushing forward.

I read a lot and run into phrases and quotes others write, or have said, and could never remember them all, hence my notebook. It's filled with quotes and my notes, thoughts and feelings, beside them with the date I wrote them - over twenty five years of thoughts and words that read like a diary of my life I suppose, a record of what I was thinking, why, how I felt and where I was in the moment. Once, a pristine notebook but now dog-eared, scarred, tattered and stained with use much like myself.

I leaf through the book a lot, revisit the quotes, thoughts and feelings in note-form, and remember back to when I wrote them.

I have a good memory, often too good, so recall things vividly, memories punctuated by the note and the quotes, and what's interesting is that despite the events being so diverse, the thoughts and feelings are generally similar. I also recognise change in myself throughout the twenty five years of writing in that book and I guess that's progression, learning from what happens in my life, adapting and developing and moving forward differently. It's very cool to see that change so plainly laid out in the notebook because when I look at the mirror I don't see it as clearly.

I wrote the quote you see above at a time in which I was under great duress and I was questioning a few things around me which I struggled to make sense of. It jumped off the page in the book I was reading, punched me in the face, and as I re-read it a few times its meaning (to me) began to sink in. I wrote it in my notebook a few days later, April 19th 1998, and added a few notes for perspective. In the days between reading the quote and writing it in my notebook much had happened and through it I realised the words had settled within me, taken hold, and helped me to find the courage and fortitude to do what was required in those days and the following months and years.

I look back now, years later, at that dog-eared, tattered, dirt-smeared page and smile...why? Because I became that quote, turned myself into the person who lived it, and it held me together when I needed that, and helped me surge forward.

I'm sitting in a coffee shop writing this. It's comfortable, an open mood-fireplace burns away not too far from me, the smell of pastries and coffee fills the shop and rain falls in the street outside where the world passes me by. I'm comfortable in this moment, but I've not always been so; that's life isn't it? A series of moments all strung together.

I look back over my life from time to time, my quote notebook too, and I see myself clearly: Flawed, fallible, fragile and a little broken...but I see much more besides, other things that make me, me. Other people see them too, those close to me, and I love how some people take the time to see through me, past the outer-surfaces and deep into the man I am.

One day I'll be gone and someone may find my notebook - possibly even read it. I sometimes wonder what they'll make of me, who they'll think I was, and if they'll look at the words I wrote beside quotes from some of the world's greatest minds and find something that makes sense in those words as I did in the words of others.

Feel free to share one of your favoured quotes in the comments below, quote the author and tell me what it means to you...but only if you want to, there's no pressure.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Any images in this post are my own.


"Doing your best is more important than being the best."

I never got to the origins of this, but it's a good reminder that we are running our our race in life and should focus on becoming a better version of ourselves each day,

Continual improvement is the best way forward indeed!

If you don't like something change it, if you can't change it change your attitude

My one of the best motivational quotes. I remember it every time I find something difficult to understand or something is difficult for me to do. And it has helped me a lot every time.

Hanger can be confronting, but it's essential for one to grow and develop.

With your text you made me remember that some years ago I had a word file where I copied every quote from famous thinkers that I liked. That file had many pages. And the quotes were from various thinkers, too many I liked.

I like quotes from Aristotle, Nietzsche, Descartes, Plato, Paulo Coelho and many more.

The phrase that comes to my mind right now and that I remember the thinker is this one
"Virtue lies in the middle ground between two vicious extremes" by Aristotle. I love it because it is the search for balance in everything in life, phrases of wisdom.

There is another one that is my favourite, I even printed it out and hung it in the classroom where I taught to inspire my students, but I don't remember the author. That's why I don't write it down but it's about imagination and that everything is possible.

One of the best topics you've covered, I really like this!

Thank you!

Quotes from people who have had different experiences than ourselves can be if great value as they open us to new and different ways of thought.

I figured you'd have some quotes up your sleeve that you valued.

Exactly, those quotes can be very helpful at the right time... I have a lot of quotes, but one of my favourites is that one.😀

Just as you have a notebook in which you used to write your thoughts and quotes, I also had such notebook but I used to write my trips and tours journey in that notebook. Even I named that book with title "Unforgettable Moments". But,Sadly when we shifted to our new home, I lost that notebook and memories of that notebook are fading from the disc of my brain.

That's a shame to lose such memories, you must regret losing that notebook.

I want to thank you very much for this invitation. I'm living another moment of change in my life and the chosen quote is the following:
"life is doubt, faith without doubt is only death" by Miguel de Unamuno.
This quote speaks to me about authenticity and the meaning of life. It is easy to question other people. It is more difficult to face one's own doubts, not to hide them, and to confront them.
I believe like Unamuno that faith is fundamental to live, faith in our capacities and projects, and doubt is the path of my choice to find out who I am.

Well said, I don't have much to add really, I agree with you though, for certain; looking within ourselves can be confronting but if done with honesty great value can be found.

Holding onto ones principles to death is motivation enough!

I agree, it's one of the only things we can call out own; our principals.

So glad our parents taught us that.

That is wonderful. Having a notebook full of quotes that can cater to your mood or what you are feeling is really nice. My favoured quote is something my parents have repeated a lot during my childhood. The golden rule, "Do unto others what you want others to do unto you". The author seems to be debatable, since a lot attribute it to Jesus Christ, while some to Confucius, and others to the Egyptians. This quote has shaped how I interact and deal with people.

That's not a bad concept, one I approach slightly differently although the premise is similar. A good one to bring up for sure.

That is exactly the type of words to punch you in the face! A timeless and quotable quote. And this could almost be quotable particularly as I so identify with those beautiful words:
"It reaches within me and gathers scattered parts, dusts them off and puts them into some semblance of order so that I can keep pushing forward.
Hmmmm...a quotebook notebook. Now that is a fantastic idea. I have gazillions of little pieces of paper (serviettes, backs of slips, ancient sugar wrappers with all sorts of words scribbled over that were, in the moment, profound. Now trying to piece the thought process together....especially around the bright red Hewlett's or ancient food scrap. Perhaps in my younger years I should've invested in a notebook.

And here I'm thinking; what was I doing in '98? Hmmm probably skiing down the slopes of New England when I was still living in lovely Massachusettes. Happy days so Da Vinci's quote would've breezed off me like the snow flakes flashing past the skiis

I think many people wish they'd written stuff down, collated thoughts into a book...I was fortunate enough to have done so and the notebook has become something special.

I'm glad you read this post and that it made you think a little; maybe you'll gather those notes and scribble and pull them into a semblance of order. It's never too late to start you know.

I didn't know you were American...or a ski bunny.

American? Based on my accent many Americans assume I'm Australian. But no. SA born and bred. Just widely travelled. On skiis and otherwise

Most think I'm from another planet. They might be right.

Many times I feel that your words, your writings are very close. In this one for example, maybe I would be writing that quote in my notebook. I smile. I smile because I know I'm going to flip through it again and I'll be able to put that satisfaction on my face. And maybe even I'll be sitting in a café, feeling life go by, while those smells wash over me and make me even happier.
I hold on tightly to this day by day, full of challenges. With strength I resist and live my small and magical moments, until the day comes when that is the only thing that makes me surrender: magic.

I'm glad you find something of value in my words, I try to just keep it real, true to my life and understandings, and if you find something in those words then that's great.

You have some challenges, there's no doubt, but in finding magic in the small moments of enjoyment, fulfillment and value is a good way to keep you on track and moving in the right direction.

I enjoyed reading this post. Though, to be fair, I usually enjoy most of your posts I choose to click on. Maybe because we are both deep thinkers.

I also adore quotes. While I have been far less organised in my collecting of such wise words, I choose to expose myself to new quotes regularly.

I have too many to choose a single favourite but one that comes to mind right now (and frequently) is:

Be the change... (you wish to see in the world).

Mostly I hold fast to the first bit knowing what it means. I have always attributed this to Gandhi but it appears (after some Googling) that someone, at some point, summarised the essence of a longer quote by him.

I often struggle to remember quotes exactly as they are, or, indeed, who said them. But I feel their intended meaning deeply. It's like, as I think you said above, a good quote will reach into you, its essence changing you.

That's why I think I love me a good quote so darn much.

Thanks for choosing to click on this particular post, I know there's so many better posts out there to read and seeking them all, all the time, can be a challenge.

I think the concept behind quotes repeats itself over and over and that's not a bad thing. It doesn't matter if the same (similar) thing is said over and over by different people in different ways, that helps the message come through as reading a quote may not resonate until it's said/written in a way that...umm...resonates I guess. Change is something we should all be embracing and if positive changes are undertaken, more often, the world is likely to be a better place. It's a good premise to work around.

❝The most important encounters have already been planned by the souls before the bodies have even seen each other.❞

Paulo Coelho

This quote from Paulo Coelho has something special for me, it makes me think of wise souls that are the essence of our being and that sometimes weave threads invisible to the human eye but that lead us to encounters with other people that will lead us to learn greats lessons or simply to enjoy, as never before, that encounter.

On the other hand, and speaking of quotes, I take this opportunity to ask if you approve of my making reference to one of your posts in a publication I plan to make and if I can leave the link?

Coelho knows his stuff, a good thinker I'd say. That's a good quote too, one for the deep thinkers.

On the other hand, and speaking of quotes, I take this opportunity to ask if you approve of my making reference to one of your posts in a publication I plan to make and if I can leave the link?

You can make reference to one of my posts, I really appreciate you taking the time to ask permission; it shows manners and respect. well done.

Thank you very much, you are very kind and I am very glad I had the opportunity to reference that post.

Those sunglasses, @galenkp... It reminds me someone I deeply love. What a good lines and words. I'm glad to be your friend, sweetie.

The Oakleys? They are almost permanently attached to my face and have been for many years, I can't be without them. Habit? Maybe.

Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it and hope you're having a great week.

Yes, hahaaa. He loves its sunglass too. It is unbelievable how similar they're. Thank you, friend.

Good reflection to encourage us to keep moving forward, one of the quotes that we most need to incorporate into life. Thanks my friend 👏 Ah, and at the end a good coffee!

I like quotes so much, and often find something valuable in them. Do you have any favourite ones?

I confess that I do not have a reading culture. It is rather a phrase and not a quote If you manage to judge yourself well, you are a true sage, from the book The Little Prince. In this case my wife is the wise one, she knows me better than I do. I believe that knowing yourself well can help you advance in many aspects of life. And you, do you have one in particular?

I don't have one single quote I favour over others; so many have had an influence on me it's impossible to choose. I agree with you in that knowing oneself is an advantageous thing to do.

Yes, it is difficult to become a true sage. In the meantime, let's try to improve.

Being in trouble. But with a smile on face, tackled each challenge with determination and a positive attitude.

I'm not sure I quite follow the context of the comment above.