Live with significance

in Reflections2 months ago


We owned it in that very moment; the clear blue skies above, deep blue water of the Mediterranean dotted with pleasure craft, the warmth of the sun on our bodies, fresh sea air, the ground beneath our feet, the building that rose above us and...just everything; it was ours, our moment, and we were never giving it back.

- Me -

Have you ever had one of those moments in which everything seemed to be right exactly where it needed to be and you were right where you wanted to be physically and emotionally? I have had many such moments and they come through design more than luck as we have always leaned towards creating our lives as we wish them to be rather than allow life to push and pull us where it wants. Some of those moments have held major significance to us in the present and into the future and some were simple moments in which we truly felt connected and engaged with ourselves, each other and our lives. We owned them all.

One such moment happened right here in this location you see in the image.

This place is called Villa Kerylos and it sits nestled between the Mediterranean and the hills in the region called the French Riviera.

Is it beautiful and interesting? Yes of course, we loved it there; however it will always be more than that for us as this moment, the day on which we were there, held a very significant moment for us and will live in our hearts and minds forever. We cannot look at the photographs without remembering what happened there and I believe that's how it should be for everyone when it comes to significant moments.

I don't believe one needs to travel to the French Riviera, or anywhere else, to have moments like I mentioned although it's a lovely place I urge you to visit. What happened there is besides the point as well - what's important is that it happened because life is far too precious not to live with significance.

Our lives have a used by date and most don't know when that is...that's why owning our lives, designing and creating them as we wish them to be, is most critical to achieving a best-life scenario; life can't always be amazing but it's always life and should be treated with respect and care by each of us that has it.

Have you had significant moments in which you felt deeply connected and engaged with your life and have you carried those moments forward? Do those moments come back to you in fond memories so you can enjoy them all over again?

You don't have to tell me about the significance itself and you don't have to comment at all if you don't want to, but should you wish to make a comment I'd be happy to read it and respond.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Image(s) in this post are my own


I've had many, and they're delicious. You have to be paying attention though, or they can slip past unnoticed.

True enough.

Such moments are best when it happens unexpectedly.
Like a wish you've been wishing for, hoping it'll happen yet knowing the odds are quite low.

The last of these kind of scenarios I could remember was when I managed to score a goal in secondary school soccer.
I was a defender and scoring goals were never really high up in the criteria list, still I wanted to know what it felt like, how it'll feel to celebrate and be celebrated for scoring instead of the regular pats on the back and shouts of thanks for a good block.

That very match when I trailed a bit high up the pitch and managed to collect the ball from the attacker coming.
Normally, it was a defensive mistake as I was the last line, yet such a mistake turned to an opportunity.
A simple cut to the side and a shot landed the ball at the back of the net.

Not the most impressive of goals, but it meant the world to me at that moment 😂

Small moments like this can be lasting memories and I think help us lead more fulfilling lives. If we had no nice memories from the past I think the present and future could seem quite dim.

Well don't on your goal.

As someone who hasn't seen snow before when I was younger, I remember the first time I experienced a snowy winter. It was surreal. I've only seen it in movies and shows, but to actually feel it is something else. I've only ever experienced it that one time, but I still remember it fondly. It was like a childhood dream that came true, and really showed me the wonders of nature, as well as how big the world really is.

Snow is pretty cool, unless one has to shovel it to get one's car out of the driveway each morning I guess. Lol. Are you someone who would like to go snow skiing?

I would definitely want to try it at least once. I don't know if I'll like it until I experience it haha

Don't break anything. Lol.

I was concerned about that as well. But I'll probably just walk and glide a little. I won't even get close to those high incline ones.

That seems like sagacity at its best.

Yes, it's interesting though how many of those moments seem to be tied to nature and more specifically water. It's probably just a coincidence, but I still think it is interesting nonetheless.
My wife and I shared one such moment sitting right here just about a year ago.

That looks like a good spot for just such a moment and it's true that nature features prominently in moments like this, for me at least and many others I presume.

Yes I have had those moments, very special moments, where precious things happened and many of them are in photographs that when I look at them I go back to that instant.... that I did, not chance, I looked for it to happen and it was beautiful. Of others I don't have photographs, I think that the emotion of the moment made them not to be there.
They may be simple but they are in the heart!
One of them I will tell you about. Meetings that I organized at the end of the year with people very dear to me, but not on the occasion of the new year, but at the end of November. They were very special.

Jumping from big thing to big thing sometimes means people miss the little things in between and I think those should be something we value rather than ignore.

Always, even the smallest details, but people only wait for the great and wonderful things to happen, without seeing that they always happen and are right in front of our eyes.

Hi Galen, I have found it difficult to answer this question; my conclusion is the memories that give meaning to my life are those of my childhood, and back then, I don't remember having the feeling that where I needed to be. Nowadays I connect more with that feeling, but it can happen to me sitting in a park.... or enjoying an exhibition... the latter happened to me this weekend.

Have a great week

Celebrating small moments more often helps a person's life feel more fulfilling I think, just my opinion. It's good to read you find those small moments and enjoy them.

I enjoy those moments often, and I'm sure you do too....

I suppose, for a lot of us the days on Holiday always stand out as these significant experiences that we can trace back to pictures and memories.

Although I often need to point out to people in my life that though the "everyday" activity becomes a bit of a grind with the way that life and the economy is set up, this is also significant!

Too many cases where there is a parent who is always there for the grind and another parent that is absent for the "work" of the "everyday" and only available on the weekends and holidays.

This is maybe very specific to parenting, but it can also be seen in relationships between couples and friends.

So yeah... enjoy the holiday but also recognise the significance of the ordinary day!

It's the small things experienced often that usually have the most importance in the moments they're experienced. Alas, some prefer to jump from one big rock to the next and ignore the bits in between.

Absolutely! 💪

You've got to value the bits in between otherwise you aren't even alive during those bits, only the bits on the other side of "normal" which means you are a robot that has weekends off?

Certainly had those moments sometimes, mostly really far offshore where there's no connection and no light from the city that disturbs the beautiful Milky Way and stars. That is the time I really reflect and look back on those moments.

I've not had that experience on the water but I spend a lot of time in remote areas and know exactly what you mean. Pretty special.

Fond memories of great experiences shared with good friends and family are the best. I think when I was young I used to chase the material possessions more, nowadays it is definitely more about the life experiences.

That's probably the same for most of us but at time moves on and experiences gather needs and expectations of life change right?

Definitely. My needs and expectations have changed and I seem to be enjoy crossing things off my bucket list without doing them. A reverse bucket list!

You've got the right idea.

Memories are always beautiful and last longer when you had it with precious people in your life. But at times there are just a moment that seems everything doesn't work but we don't have to be discouraged about those moment cause they all have a lesson to teach us. Do have a wonderful weekend.

Lessons often come from the things that don't go well in our lives. What is important is that we take the lessons and do things better in the future.

That is just the truth

So true. Every moment is valuable and we have to appreciate every day as if it is our last.

Yes indeed, thanks for commenting.

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