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RE: Sport

in Reflections9 months ago

He's super-cool and a really great kid, I'm proud of him as I am of @smallsteps, my niece. I'm a very proud uncle.

He'll be pushing the limits on that bike soon, he's already working out how to get it off the ground and I think, *he's got a lot of cuts and bruises coming his way soon...I think it's great, it's exactly what I did when I was his age and I learned many lessons...some took longer than others though. (And were more painful)


That's awesome. I just hope he wears all safety gears [helmet, elbow and knee pads]. Maybe you can teach him a thing or two once you visit haha

OH yeah, he's got all the gear...not like me back in the day...I had sneakers, shorts and a t-shirt. That was it. 😆