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RE: Chained Together

in Reflections5 months ago

@tarazkp I really like your articles, they always make me think about my own existence. Thank you for that. You say you've been writing daily for 6 years, that's huge!

But above all, it shows that small, regular actions can lead to big, long-term achievements. By "great achievements" I mean "helping people to ask themselves questions".

Our time must indeed be filled with something meaningful. It's important to find a balance between completing daily tasks and pursuing activities that fulfill us personally and professionally. I tend to get bogged down in completing my daily tasks, even though I've already planned activities that really fulfill me. But it's easy to fall into this trap, at least for me.

I'm going to think about what motivates me and how I can make a positive contribution to society. Thanks for writing!


I mean "helping people to ask themselves questions".

If an article I write has a couple people think about their own lives a little, it is a good article :)

I tend to get bogged down in completing my daily tasks, even though I've already planned activities that really fulfill me.

I think we all fall into the rhythm of daily tasks, forgetting that some of those tasks should be acting toward where we want to be, and what we want to be doing. We live time hand to mouth too often, without investing to feed us later.

Yes, that's exactly it. And do you have any strategies to avoid falling into this trap? Introspection I guess?