In the problems too...

in Reflections2 months ago

I discover myself and there are ways to see our potential, and it is through self-esteem, which, by the way, is not always, through problems, when you learn to get out of existential crises.

That is why it is always essential to start building a better version of ourselves.

Accepting them for our imperfections and any battles and difficulties we face in, our life.

A few years ago, I lived this experience.

I had legal problems that took a few years to resolve. At that stage I hardly worked formally, and to this legal situation was added the fact that I was very ill with cancer at that time.

I was in a moment of a lot of emotional imbalance, I felt very stagnant, with little courage, 100% fear, doubting the abilities that one day I had (laborally speaking) I was terrified to apply to very different job positions than I was used to, because I felt that they were not going to call me or that I was not going to be able to fulfill, and I was in that state for the time that the treatment lasted, feeling sorry for me. (This is the first time I have said this.) 😔

In my process I learned that every adversity has a virtue, and it is there that we must focus on that virtue that transforms us, leads us to a metamorphosis. I never gave up because I had a lot of help from my family and good friends, and I always became stronger once the difficulties were overcome.

Definitely, a real self-esteem, is more subject to who we are as human beings, and not to how we do or look, the physical appearance (I wore wigs) I had no hair because of chemotherapy.

And something very important if we are labeled for how we are, we must understand that we are not in this life, to please everyone around us, we are good, with mistakes and virtues, people become the judge and the mask, and it's about this that I'm saying.

I am one of the people who think that abundance has to be created first in the head and believed in order for things to happen, and to have discipline. Without that, forget it.

A strong self-esteem is our best ally, it is the first step when we want to achieve an achievement, for this we must change our internal dialogue, instead of criticizing ourselves talk to us with more respect, this reminds me that we must celebrate any victory to overcome any obstacle, also let's not forget the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who support us, help us and share new perspectives, they are people who give us a great boost when adversity knocks on our door.

Our self-esteem gives us the resilience to move forward with strength, courage, and also with self-love we can overcome the challenges that come our way.

You learn to trust by believing in yourself.

I think that survival when in command stays in the trivial, in the basics that they offer us to live as: air, water, and food, for example the most important, but there is also morality, dignity and self-esteem that are sold, are offered for the same.

I wonder if you really know what you can achieve with real self-esteem? Let's talk in comments.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thankssss You so much @ahmedhayat. 🌹

Maybe that is something I have lost with age and my health challenges is some of my dignity and self-esteem.

My dear Sir, the important thing is that the burdens, the problems make us flexible to change, because nothing stays static, and sometimes we can't do it alone, to weather any storm, recognize it as you do here in comments, it makes you worthy, taking care of your health without so much emotional weight. You're taking the steps.

Greetings to you.

I am taking the steps, and reflecting on it here has helped.

Excellent Sir @coinjoe choosing to see life from that crystal is emotional intelligence, without a doubt, you are practicing it.