Money is not dirty ...

And if it is produced honestly, it is enjoyed, shared without guilt, and without remorse. Therefore, money is not bad. What is bad is the "bad money" this brings with it many problems.

It's too bad that, culturally, we say that money is the cause of all our misfortunes.

We have the double standard, and that is that many times everything is misinterpreted, for example; it is easier for a sheep to enter through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God... Therefore, there is a false belief. We repeat it, but in the end we all wish we had more and more money.

The point is in my opinion, as everything in this life is how to achieve it; if you do it by working, and honestly, then it's fine.

I have had money in my life and also the lack of it. Today, I can perfectly observe that to have or not to have has always been a product of my decisions, and that they were always based on what I learned about money.

Money is not dirty, you just have to see it from emotion, from energy, and obviously, prepare from financial knowledge. At least the basics to better understand the dynamics of money in our lives.

Nothing has been achieved since the complaint. I maintain that prosperity is a psychological matter.

One learns to be prosperous, and that learning is technical and also emotional. It will depend on what you know about how money is handled, and also on how you feel about it.

If you are afraid of getting paid, if you consider that being rich is bad, or that money does not give happiness, or you think that money is dirty, or that to be rich you always have to fuck someone, without a doubt, those thoughts will determine our relationship with the economy, money and prosperity.

If, on the other hand, you understand that money is a means that, yes, gives happiness, that it is good to have it, and it is even better to make others have it too, if we understand and assume that money is more than survival if not that it is also pleasure, then, without a doubt, our relationship with it will determine economic life.

My relationship with money is positive for several reasons, mainly because I am the source that generates it. It is a task that some people still do not understand.

When we do what we like, and we get the result it is satisfactory, it is full, it is enjoyed, it is appreciated, and it feeds back even with the people who generate it, because they are on the same wavelength.

The opposite case happens when I complain, I am dissatisfied, it is not enough for me and I do not do anything to generate that profit or that change, and it is something that many people have normalized to resign themselves and say God, and if you do not move you do not fall from the sky, waiting for others to help you is lack, wanting to lead living standards at the expense of another is also lack.

Connecting with prosperity, with the good life, is not a sin in any way. You work hard, you do not rest as you would like, and one day, you give yourself the vacation of your dreams, BUT you do not enjoy it as you deserve, you “feel sorry”, you are ashamed, because they taught you that talking well about yourself and showing your successes is BELIEVED, SELFISH, and a long-lasting effect...etc...etc.

Undoubtedly, it is time to change the vision we have of money, of prosperity, to help things flow. It's not enough to want it, you have to go out and look for it. And it becomes elusive for those who see it as a bad thing.

That's the poorly told story that many have been led to believe that money is bad, there are many things that money can't buy, but it does open up a world of opportunities, in addition to quality of life, education, travel, health care... Welcome the money.

I wish you to have a day full of new learning experiences, that life allows us to reflect with the company of a good cup of coffee ☕ , winning a lot of money.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL