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RE: The Days Between

in Reflections10 months ago

Glad to see you around here again :)

It is always an honor, and a privilege to be part of the comments, and publications that you have to write and tell my experiences and lived history in Reflections and all that you write for us, in other communities.🙌

Mr. Taraz. I watch very closely how Smallsteps grow and projects her sweetness and naivety as a child and how lucky she is to have you and your wife as responsible and committed to your values, principles, and culture of life.

I assure her that this home education, which she receives, is the most solid support that a human being has, especially when situations become difficult, complex, and diverse in daily life in the adult stage. She is learning from her parents, the best teacher in the world.

Hugs from my land in the Caribbean.💜🌞🌴