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RE: The Truths Untold

in Reflectionslast year

Just imagine if we could experience the "full truth" of the world

I was thinking about this same thing yesterday. Will we be able to process the amount of truth there is if we were granted. Will we die of the influx of information or bang our heads on the wall on how deeply we'd been living in a lie?


Will we die of the influx of information or bang our heads on the wall on how deeply we'd been living in a lie?

Most likely die. But, if you imagine if we suddenly had perfect knowledge, we needn't regret, because we would also know exactly what to do from that moment on.

Exactly. Too bad chances of that happening are rather slim.

To know the full truth, is to know everything. I think it would be absolutely miserable to know everything because of how boring everything would be.

Yeah, nothing is a mystery. No need to discover. To work. To build. I should think that's quite a nightmare.