Where is “Home”?

Certainly I am not the first nor the last one to asks this question. And in the end we all have to answer it for ourselves.

Where is your “Home”? And what is it?

A place, a feeling, is it where you grew up, did you build it yourself, does it move or is it tied to a specific region, a country, linked to a person or written in your passport?

Or maybe shouldn’t we rather than asking what “Home” is, ask what we want it to be.

What do you want “Home” to be and look like?

I don’t have one place, there are a few. When I get back to them I feel like I am arriving. When I see, feel and smell these regions I know I am at my place. Even though I do not have an actual place in either of them. I have a place that I can move to where ever I want. And when I enter the door it does feel like home.

But I am sick of the wheels. Meanwhile there is so much freedom to being able to move your home to wherever you want, there are a lot of inconveniences tied to it. Where do I sleep? Will the cops show up? Do I have enough water and diesel in the tanks? When will something break and will I be able to fix it?
I don’t want these endless choices anymore. I just want one.

One place. One Home. One Garden. One Guy. One Life.

One base that I can build on. One base that I can come back to after another expedition and just know it will be there as I left it. I don’t want to come back to scattered pieces blown into each direction by the wind, noticing that my home just moved country once again. I don’t want the cheap and messy freedom of avoiding the things I don’t like. I want the freedom of choosing the things I do want.

I want to choose, I don’t want options anymore.

Which is, I guess, what your twenties are for, ideally.

Some trying, a few wrong choices, some lessons learned to figure out what you really want to build with this life.

Like that I have the other 60 years for constructing the reality and the community I aspire to have around for myself and others.

Maybe that is the impatient idealist speaking in me, the determinate romantic or just basic sane human instinct.

When do you build upon these things you try out in your twenties? And when do you scrap them, take them as lesson to build the next thing better?

When do we choose what “Home” looks like? How do we start building it?

Maybe to choose what we really want, we have to let go of everything we did just “try” so far. Maybe if I want one place I have to let go of a home that has wheels, stop the moving.

Impatience. Dedication. Love.

What do you want "Home" to be like?

Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts, I would love to hear them! Further if you know anyone who might be interested in buying my lovely House-truck, let me know! (happy to accept crypto for it, at least partially, and happy about constructive ideas as well😊)

Thank you for passing by, enjoy your week!

All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself.


@vindiesel1980 Enjoy this read ;^)

Same thoughts here, while driving around from place to place, country to country in a van. The castle you posted is actually something I am looking for 😅 But I don't thinks it's a twenties thing, otherwise I need to check my birth certificate. A few years ago I loved the freedom and the vanlife. Although it's changing, there are a lot of campers & vans these days and we are not always welcome anymore. It can be challenging to find a nice place and a good mechanic from time to time. The last few weeks I am traveling in a Natural Park area, and mostly I spend the night in a little town to avoid the fines. The beautiful peaceful spots from years ago, turned into busy dirty spots. It's still possible to find stunning spots, without noisy neighbors. And I am more than happy to have the experience from the past 3 years. But yes, where is home? I know I had the feeling sometimes, and one day will find such a spot again...

I am definitely looking out for a chateau, yes, therefore moving still feels right, you get to attract the things you want more easily...😁
And I completely have the same feeling about the whole "camper-vibe" yes, there are so many and a lot of negative reputation is around, meanwhile mechanics are becoming more about pressing buttons than the actual skill. Tough it depends so much on the country, I imagine eastern Europe in a Van would be very different from for example Portugal. Personally I really found myself questioning how much the freedom of living in a vehicle weights over the restrictions, which right now did definitely shift for me.
Are you looking to stop moving any time soon, or is it something you still feel "at home" with, for now? And are you also working while moving? ...if you don't mind sharing😊

Which is, I guess, what your twenties are for, ideally.

Which isn't to say I don't relate to everything you just said 1000%, by the way. I think (I hope) our 20s are, if done right, a place where we figure ourselves out, our personality, our wants, get our head on straight as it were, so that the choice becomes more obvious. I hope so at least.
Meanwhile, while you figure yourself out, that castle sure don't look bad :D

Meanwhile, while you figure yourself out, that castle sure don't look bad :D

Another part I am about to figure out, is how to get and stay in one of these😁

I do hope so to, that the choices get clearer, not even easier, maybe just more focused. So far it keeps me excited to see where this is going...
Btw. that podcast was really good, you did recommend the other day. I enjoyed it! let me know if you have any other recommendations!! Did you read the book they talk about?
Oh and about the 20s, I read "The defining decade" recently, and I guess you could enjoy it as much as I did, which was a lot, really opening up my mind to a lot of interesting approaches on... growth I guess:)