
It's just something they talk about at gun shows, more or less, but each piece sold comes with a concealed carry so, it's all talk anyway but I don't think she'd get an interview at the post office if she applied as Krazzy Kelly.

C c c c 🥶❄️🥶 old here in Cleveland TN. This morning.

How does Atlas like the cold. She seen snow yet.?

She has actually, within a week of bringing her home. She said, "In my country.. it does this in August."

Hey dude. You going North? If you wanna hit me up over on the you know where, you're dangerously close to me (and Atlas).

Or not. Brrrrrrr!

South bound my friend.

I normally do not come up this far.

Freight is a weird monster.

When I pull up google maps, you're about an inch away.
