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RE: The Counter of Enough

in Reflectionslast year (edited)

Irrelevance is the name of the game.
Acceptance or Defiance.
We find rest in one and meaning in the other.
There should be balance, though.
Can't have it perfect forever, indeed.

A couple of years ago, I found yet another meaning in planting more trees. All I do, though, is buy trees already grown and find a place for them to take root. Which is a challenge on its own.

Watching abandoned village yards, though, I can clearly see Nature will do fine without my help if only nobody would mess around. Even in our yard, a walnut sapling appears where a bird has dropped some nut. A linden sapling appears where the wind has brought a seed from somewhere completely out of sight.

We have a rock song the main line of which translates as

I wanna be a director...of a waterfall.

I guess I would be happy to direct that water downwards all day long.


Have you seen those pictures from abandoned towns and factory areas and how quickly nature springs back?

Aye. But I see a lot of destruction of ecosystems / habitats as well. Happens a bit quicker even though it's not as consistent.