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RE: We Can't Get No

in Reflections8 months ago

School attendance is not compulsory in Finland. Homeschooling is legal and possible.

The municipality is responsible for supervising home-schooled pupils to make sure they are following the national curriculum. Study materials, remedial teaching or meals are not provided but healthcare is.

It would be advantageous to home-school your child in a group. If that is not possible to do locally, there exists a non-chartered online school that arranges meetups:


I don't think I said attendance at a school is compulsory and I did mention this:

The challenge for the government here is, school is compulsory.

From the information I could find, there are only around 250 homeschooling families in Finland,

I don't know how many are actually homeschooling, but I also wonder how distributed they are around Finland.

Sorry about missing that part.

I'm guessing they are quite evenly distributed.

No worries, just in case someone was reading, I didn't want it to seem like I misrepresented the situation :)

I wonder if there are more in the cities and then there could be group classes still. I know in Australia it is common to share some responsibilities.

In the biggest cities maybe.